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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a cryptocurrency trading platform. However, several red flags and suspicious elements are present:

1. Domain Age and Archive Age: The domain age is relatively short, at 2 years and 8 months, which is not necessarily a red flag on its own. However, the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine shows a significantly longer archive age of 6953 days (over 19 years). This discrepancy is highly unusual and could indicate manipulation or a deceptive practice.

2. Domain Whois Privacy: The domain’s WHOIS information is hidden, which is a common practice for potentially fraudulent or untrustworthy websites. Legitimate businesses typically provide transparent WHOIS details.

3. Cryptocurrency Price Listings: The website prominently displays the latest prices for various cryptocurrencies, which is a common feature of legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. However, the presence of this information alone does not guarantee the platform’s legitimacy.

4. Language Options: The website offers language options for English, Ukrainian, Japanese, Portuguese, Persian, Arabic, Spanish, German, Russian, Greek, Polish, and Italian. While multilingual support can be a positive feature, the inclusion of numerous languages, especially those with different scripts (e.g., Arabic, Russian), can be a tactic used by fraudulent websites to appear more international and legitimate.

5. Server Location: The website is hosted on a server located in Hong Kong. While the physical location of a server is not inherently suspicious, Hong Kong has been associated with some cryptocurrency-related scams and regulatory challenges.

6. SSL Certificate: The website uses an SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt, which is a widely used and reputable certificate authority. While this is a positive sign for security, it does not guarantee the overall legitimacy of the platform.

7. Lack of Detailed Information: Upon initial inspection, the website appears to be focused primarily on cryptocurrency price listings and basic account functions. Legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges typically provide extensive information about their company, team, security measures, and regulatory compliance.

8. Investment and VIP Sections: The presence of sections related to investment and VIP services can be a red flag, especially if the platform encourages high-risk or unverified investment activities.

9. Customer Service and Contact Information: It’s important to verify the legitimacy of the provided customer service and contact information. Scam websites often have non-functional or unresponsive support channels.

10. User Reviews and External Feedback: Searching for user reviews and external feedback about the platform can provide valuable insights into its reputation and trustworthiness.

Given these red flags and the potential for cryptocurrency-related scams, it’s crucial to exercise extreme caution when dealing with platforms like Conduct thorough research, seek independent reviews, and consider consulting with financial or cybersecurity experts before engaging with any cryptocurrency exchange or trading platform.”

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Age and Archive Age, Domain Whois Privacy, Cryptocurrency Price Listings, Language Options, Server Location, SSL Certificate, Lack of Detailed Information, Investment and VIP Sections, Customer Service and Contact Information, User Reviews and External Feedback
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Snapshot span significantly exceeds domain age

  High gap ratio (2.16) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
