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Based on the content provided, the website appears to be a platform for Reiki-related resources and information, particularly in the Persian language. Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that originated in Japan and is centered around the concept of energy healing. The website seems to offer various resources related to Reiki, including free downloads of Reiki-related books and magazines, as well as information about distant Reiki sessions.

Here are some key points based on the content:

Reiki Focus: The website is dedicated to Reiki, a form of alternative therapy that involves energy healing. It’s important to note that Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatment.
Persian Language: The content is in Persian, indicating that the website is likely targeting Persian-speaking individuals who are interested in Reiki.
Free Resources: The website offers free downloads of Reiki-related books and magazines, which can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking information about Reiki.
Distant Reiki Sessions: There is mention of distant Reiki sessions, which suggests that the website may offer or facilitate remote Reiki healing sessions.
Authorship: The content mentions the author, Ehsan Riazi Esfahani, and indicates that the website has been providing Reiki-related guidance for over 20 years.
Copyright: The website asserts copyright over its content, particularly the free Reiki book authored by Ehsan Riazi Esfahani.
Reiki Community: The website encourages visitors to join the Reiki community and follow their Telegram channel for additional free audio and visual Reiki teachings.
It’s important to approach alternative therapies like Reiki with an open mind while also being mindful of scientific evidence and consulting with healthcare professionals for any health-related concerns. Additionally, when accessing free resources or participating in any form of therapy, it’s advisable to verify the credentials and expertise of the individuals or organizations offering the services.

Overall, based on the provided content, the website appears to be a platform for sharing Reiki-related information and resources, particularly in the Persian language. It’s important for individuals interested in Reiki to conduct further research and consider consulting with qualified healthcare professionals for a well-rounded understanding of their health and wellness options.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website is dedicated to Reiki, a form of alternative therapy that involves energy healing. It's important to note that Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatment. The content is in Persian, indicating that the website is likely targeting Persian-speaking individuals who are interested in Reiki. The website offers free downloads of Reiki-related books and magazines, which can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking information about Reiki. There is mention of distant Reiki sessions, which suggests that the website may offer or facilitate remote Reiki healing sessions. The content mentions the author, Ehsan Riazi Esfahani, and indicates that the website has been providing Reiki-related guidance for over 20 years. The website asserts copyright over its content, particularly the free Reiki book authored by Ehsan Riazi Esfahani. The website encourages visitors to join the Reiki community and follow their Telegram channel for additional free audio and visual Reiki teachings. It's important to approach alternative therapies like Reiki with an open mind while also being mindful of scientific evidence and consulting with healthcare professionals for any health-related concerns. Additionally, when accessing free resources or participating in any form of therapy, it's advisable to verify the credentials and expertise of the individuals or organizations offering the services. Overall, based on the provided content, the website appears to be a platform for sharing Reiki-related information and resources, particularly in the Persian language. It's important for individuals interested in Reiki to conduct further research and consider consulting with qualified healthcare professionals for a well-rounded understanding of their health and wellness options.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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