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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Garnier is a well-known brand in the beauty and personal care industry, offering a wide range of products for hair care, hair styling, hair color, and skin care. The company has a long history, having been founded in 1904, and has established itself as a trusted and reputable brand in the market.

Garnier’s website,, serves as a platform for the brand to showcase its products, provide information about its commitments and initiatives, and engage with consumers. The site features a user-friendly interface with sections dedicated to different product categories, such as hair care, hair color, and skin care. It also includes resources and tools for consumers, such as virtual hair color try-on and hair shade selector quizzes.

One notable aspect of Garnier’s brand identity is its commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. The company emphasizes its efforts to make “green beauty” accessible to all, with a focus on sustainable ingredient sourcing and a commitment to being approved by cruelty-free organizations. Garnier’s support for the National Park Foundation’s Service Corps program is also highlighted on the website, showcasing its dedication to environmental conservation.

In terms of product offerings, Garnier’s website provides detailed information about its various lines, such as the Fructis hair care range and the Whole Blends collection. Users can explore different products, read reviews, and learn about the features and benefits of each item. The site also includes educational content, such as guides on hair masks and information about popular hair colors.

Overall, appears to be a legitimate and trustworthy website for consumers interested in Garnier’s beauty and personal care products. It aligns with the established reputation of the Garnier brand and provides a comprehensive platform for product information, consumer engagement, and showcasing the company’s commitments to sustainability and ethical practices.”

the reasons behind this review :
Well-known and established brand in the beauty and personal care industry. Long history, having been founded in 1904. Offers a wide range of products for hair care, hair styling, hair color, and skin care. Garnier's website,, serves as a platform for the brand to showcase its products, provide information about its commitments and initiatives, and engage with consumers. User-friendly interface with sections dedicated to different product categories, such as hair care, hair color, and skin care. Includes resources and tools for consumers, such as virtual hair color try-on and hair shade selector quizzes. Emphasizes its efforts to make "green beauty" accessible to all, with a focus on sustainable ingredient sourcing and a commitment to being approved by cruelty-free organizations. Garnier's support for the National Park Foundation's Service Corps program is highlighted on the website, showcasing its dedication to environmental conservation. Detailed information about its various product lines, such as the Fructis hair care range and the Whole Blends collection. Users can explore different products, read reviews, and learn about the features and benefits of each item. Includes educational content, such as guides on hair masks and information about popular hair colors. Aligns with the established reputation of the Garnier brand. Provides a comprehensive platform for product information, consumer engagement, and showcasing the company's commitments to sustainability and ethical practices.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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