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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website claims to be the online platform for Siam Progress Supply Co., Ltd., a company that purports to be a leading exporter and wholesale supplier of sugar and rice from Thailand to various countries. The site provides contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and social media links, and it features a gallery of product images.

However, several aspects of the website raise red flags and warrant caution:

1. Lack of Professional Design: The website’s design appears unprofessional and outdated, which is unusual for a company claiming to be a major exporter.

2. Limited Information: The content on the site is sparse and lacks detailed information about the company’s history, certifications, and specific product offerings.

3. Overemphasis on Contact Information: The prominent display of multiple contact methods, including phone numbers, email addresses, and social media links, without substantial business information is atypical for a legitimate business website.

4. High Emphasis on WhatsApp and Personal Email: The use of personal email addresses (e.g., and WhatsApp contact details is uncommon for professional business communication.

5. Lack of Customer Reviews or Testimonials: Legitimate businesses often showcase customer reviews or testimonials to build trust, but these are absent from the site.

6. Limited Online Presence: The company’s online presence seems limited, with no significant reviews or mentions on reputable platforms.

7. Unverifiable Claims: The website’s claims of being a major exporter to various countries, such as Malaysia, the Philippines, and Ghana, are not backed by verifiable evidence.

8. Suspicious Domain Age and Gap Ratio: While the domain age is relatively long, the high gap ratio (1.13) for an older domain is a red flag, indicating potential inconsistencies or gaps in the website’s historical content.

9. Unusual Use of Free SSL Certificate: The use of a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt, while not inherently suspicious, is uncommon for a company claiming to be a major exporter, as reputable businesses often invest in higher-level SSL certificates for enhanced security and trust.

10. Inconsistencies in Contact Information: The website lists multiple phone numbers and email addresses, which can be confusing and is not typical for a professional business site.

Given these red flags, it’s advisable to exercise caution when considering any business transactions with Siam Progress Supply Co., Ltd. Potential customers should conduct thorough research, seek independent reviews, and verify the company’s credentials and track record through reliable sources before engaging in any business dealings.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Professional Design, Limited Information, Overemphasis on Contact Information, High Emphasis on WhatsApp and Personal Email, Lack of Customer Reviews or Testimonials, Limited Online Presence, Unverifiable Claims, Suspicious Domain Age and Gap Ratio, Unusual Use of Free SSL Certificate, Inconsistencies in Contact Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  High gap ratio (1.13) for older domain

How much trust do people have in


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