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Why is the trust score of low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website is a legitimate platform for lead generation and form building, provided by HubSpot, a well-known and reputable company in the marketing and sales industry. The content on the website is consistent with the services offered by HubSpot, and the domain is associated with HubSpot’s official subdomain for form building ( Additionally, the SSL certificate is issued by Google Trust Services, further indicating the legitimacy of the website. The website’s purpose is to provide a free and user-friendly tool for creating online forms to capture leads and customer information. This aligns with HubSpot’s broader suite of marketing and sales software, which includes features for lead generation, customer relationship management (CRM), and marketing automation. The website’s content emphasizes the benefits of using HubSpot’s form builder, such as its integration with the HubSpot CRM, customizable form creation, and automated lead nurturing. These features are consistent with the capabilities of HubSpot’s marketing platform. The website also provides resources and FAQs related to form building and lead generation, which is typical of a legitimate software service aiming to support its users. Overall, based on the content and domain association, the website appears to be a safe and reliable platform for creating online forms and generating leads, particularly for businesses and marketers using HubSpot’s suite of marketing and sales tools.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate platform for lead generation and form building, Provided by HubSpot, Reputable company in the marketing and sales industry, Consistent with the services offered by HubSpot, Domain associated with HubSpot's official subdomain for form building (, SSL certificate issued by Google Trust Services, Purpose is to provide a free and user-friendly tool for creating online forms to capture leads and customer information, Aligns with HubSpot's broader suite of marketing and sales software, Features for lead generation, customer relationship management (CRM), and marketing automation, Emphasizes the benefits of using HubSpot's form builder, Integration with the HubSpot CRM, Customizable form creation, Automated lead nurturing, Provides resources and FAQs related to form building and lead generation, Typical of a legitimate software service aiming to support its users, Safe and reliable platform for creating online forms and generating leads, Particularly for businesses and marketers using HubSpot's suite of marketing and sales tools
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  No archive data but no major flags

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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