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Why is the trust score of very high?

PACER Center is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to families of children and young adults with all disabilities. The organization was founded in 1977 and is based in Minnesota, United States. PACER offers a wide range of services and programs, including workshops, individual assistance, and resources for parents, children, and professionals involved in the lives of individuals with disabilities. The organization’s mission is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families, based on the concept of parents helping parents. PACER’s programs and services are available nationally and internationally. The organization’s website serves as a hub for information, resources, and support for families and professionals in the disability community. It provides information on various topics, including special education, assistive technology, bullying prevention, transition to adulthood, and more. The website also features a calendar of events, including workshops, webinars, and conferences. Additionally, PACER Center offers publications, newsletters, and multimedia resources to educate and empower individuals and families. The organization’s work is supported by a combination of federal grants, private donations, and partnerships with other organizations. PACER Center has a strong reputation in the disability community and is recognized for its advocacy, support, and resources. The organization’s website is a valuable tool for anyone seeking information and assistance related to disabilities, special education, and related topics. It provides a wealth of resources and support for families, professionals, and individuals with disabilities, and it is a trusted source of information in the disability community.”

the reasons behind this review :
Non-profit organization, Established in 1977, Based in Minnesota, United States, Provides assistance to families of children and young adults with disabilities, Offers workshops, individual assistance, and resources, Mission to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities, Provides information on special education, assistive technology, bullying prevention, and more, Calendar of events including workshops, webinars, and conferences, Offers publications, newsletters, and multimedia resources, Funding from federal grants, private donations, and partnerships, Strong reputation in the disability community, Recognized for advocacy, support, and resources, Valuable tool for anyone seeking information and assistance related to disabilities, Special education, and related topics, Trusted source of information in the disability community
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
