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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website appears to be associated with a cryptocurrency called TigaCoin. However, several red flags and characteristics commonly found in scam or high-risk cryptocurrency projects are present:

1. Meme Token and “Revolution” Language: The use of “meme token revolution” and “don’t be a dog, be a tiga” is often a tactic used by low-quality or meme-based cryptocurrencies to attract attention without substantial value or utility.

2. High Referral Bonuses: Offering a 1% referral bonus is a common tactic in pyramid or Ponzi schemes to attract more users and create a network effect.

3. Play-to-Burn Mechanics: While innovative, the play-to-burn mechanism described can be a red flag, especially if it’s the primary or only method for token value appreciation. It can be a way to create artificial scarcity and drive up prices without real underlying value.

4. ICO and Token Creation: The roadmap includes an ICO and token creation, which can be risky, especially if the project lacks a clear and legitimate use case for the token.

5. Vague Utility and Roadmap: The utility and roadmap sections are filled with generic terms like “partner network,” “community building,” and “collaborations with NFT projects” without specific details or partnerships.

6. Presale and Early Benefits: The emphasis on presale and benefits of getting in early can be a tactic to create FOMO (fear of missing out) and drive token sales without real substance.

7. Community-Focused Cryptocurrency: While community involvement is important, it’s often used as a buzzword in low-quality projects to create a sense of inclusivity without real value.

8. Cookie Policy and Professionalism: The inclusion of a detailed cookie policy can be a sign of trying to appear legitimate, but it’s not a definitive indicator of a trustworthy project.

9. Lack of Clear Use Case: The website and description lack a clear and compelling use case for the TigaCoin beyond vague references to iGaming and meme token potential.

10. High Token Price: The website mentions different price rounds, and the current price is relatively high for a meme or community-focused token, which can be a red flag.

11. Unverified Claims: Claims of being “verified by Assure DeFi” and “audited and KYC certified by Solid Proof” should be independently verified, as these can be easily fabricated.

12. Limited Information on Team and Development: A legitimate cryptocurrency project usually provides detailed information about its team, advisors, and development, which seems to be lacking or vague in this case.

It’s important to approach such projects with extreme caution. Always conduct thorough research, look for independent reviews and analysis, and be skeptical of high returns or benefits for early investors. Additionally, consider consulting with financial or cryptocurrency experts before investing in any project, especially if it exhibits several of the red flags mentioned above.”

the reasons behind this review :
Meme Token and "Revolution" Language, High Referral Bonuses, Play-to-Burn Mechanics, ICO and Token Creation, Vague Utility and Roadmap, Presale and Early Benefits, Community-Focused Cryptocurrency, Cookie Policy and Professionalism, Lack of Clear Use Case, High Token Price, Unverified Claims, Limited Information on Team and Development
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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