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Why is the trust score of high?

Based on the provided content, the website appears to be a platform for downloading and watching anime with Persian subtitles. The site seems to offer a variety of anime content, including new and completed series, as well as anime movies, OVA, and manga with Persian translations. It also mentions a blog and a weekly anime schedule.

Given the nature of the content, it’s important to consider the following:

1. Legality: Ensure that the website operates legally and has the necessary rights to distribute the anime content. Using unauthorized or pirated sources for anime can be illegal and may support unethical practices.

2. Quality and Safety: Verify the quality and safety of the content. Some websites may host low-quality or potentially harmful files, such as malware or viruses, alongside the anime episodes.

3. User Reviews: Check for user reviews and ratings of the website. This can provide insights into the user experience, the reliability of the content, and the overall reputation of the platform.

4. Advertisements: Be cautious of excessive or intrusive advertisements. Some websites may rely on aggressive advertising, which can affect the user experience and potentially lead to unsafe or misleading content.

5. Subscription or Payment: If the website offers premium services or requires payment, ensure that it’s a legitimate and secure transaction. Be wary of providing personal or financial information to untrustworthy sources.

6. Legal Streaming Services: Consider supporting legal streaming services that offer a wide range of anime content. These platforms often provide high-quality, ad-free viewing experiences while supporting the creators and the industry.

It’s important to approach websites that offer copyrighted content with caution and to prioritize legal and ethical means of accessing anime. Always prioritize your safety and the protection of intellectual property rights.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a platform for downloading and watching anime with Persian subtitles. It offers a variety of anime content, including new and completed series, as well as anime movies, OVA, and manga with Persian translations. It also mentions a blog and a weekly anime schedule. Given the nature of the content, it's important to consider the following: Legality: Ensure that the website operates legally and has the necessary rights to distribute the anime content. Using unauthorized or pirated sources for anime can be illegal and may support unethical practices. Quality and Safety: Verify the quality and safety of the content. Some websites may host low-quality or potentially harmful files, such as malware or viruses, alongside the anime episodes. User Reviews: Check for user reviews and ratings of the website. This can provide insights into the user experience, the reliability of the content, and the overall reputation of the platform. Advertisements: Be cautious of excessive or intrusive advertisements. Some websites may rely on aggressive advertising, which can affect the user experience and potentially lead to unsafe or misleading content. Subscription or Payment: If the website offers premium services or requires payment, ensure that it's a legitimate and secure transaction. Be wary of providing personal or financial information to untrustworthy sources. Legal Streaming Services: Consider supporting legal streaming services that offer a wide range of anime content. These platforms often provide high-quality, ad-free viewing experiences while supporting the creators and the industry. It's important to approach websites that offer copyrighted content with caution and to prioritize legal and ethical means of accessing anime. Always prioritize your safety and the protection of intellectual property rights.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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