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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website ‘’ claims to offer German IPTV services with over 80,000 channels, including premium content from providers like DAZN and Sky. It provides various subscription plans, such as Solo Play, Duo Play, and FamilyMax, each offering different numbers of screens and features. The site emphasizes the availability of 4K quality, unlimited movies and series, and multi-screen streaming without interruptions. It also highlights a wide range of supported devices, including Amazon Fire Stick, and claims to have a stable server in Germany with integrated VPN. The site promotes significant cost savings compared to traditional TV subscriptions and offers a satisfaction guarantee with a money-back policy. It also mentions the ability to watch Bundesliga and other sports events, as well as a diverse range of movies and series from platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. The site provides a detailed FAQ section and contact information for customer support. However, there are several red flags and concerns that should be carefully considered before engaging with this service:

1. Unrealistic Claims: The website’s claims of offering over 80,000 channels, including premium content from major providers, at significantly lower prices than traditional TV services, are highly unrealistic. Such extensive and high-quality content typically comes with substantial licensing costs, which would make it challenging to offer at such low prices.

2. Piracy Concerns: The extensive range of content, including premium sports and movie channels, raises concerns about the legality of the service. It’s important to verify that the service has proper licensing agreements in place for the content it offers, especially when it comes to live sports and premium movie channels.

3. Server Stability and VPN Claims: While the website mentions a stable server in Germany with an integrated VPN, it’s essential to verify these claims. The use of a VPN for streaming services can also raise concerns about circumventing regional content restrictions, which may violate the terms of service of streaming platforms.

4. Pricing and Guarantees: The significant cost savings and satisfaction guarantees should be approached with caution. Offering such extensive content at a fraction of the cost of traditional services is highly unusual, and the money-back guarantee may not always be honored in practice.

5. Device Compatibility: While the website lists compatibility with various devices, including Amazon Fire Stick, it’s important to verify the actual user experience and the availability of dedicated apps for these platforms.

6. Customer Support and Contact Information: While the website provides contact information for customer support, it’s important to verify the responsiveness and legitimacy of the support team, especially given the nature of the service being offered.

7. User Reviews and Reputation: Look for independent user reviews and feedback about the service. If possible, seek out experiences from individuals who have used the service for an extended period to gauge its reliability and quality.

In conclusion, the claims made by ‘’ should be approached with skepticism, and thorough research and verification are essential before considering any subscription. It’s crucial to prioritize legal and reputable sources for accessing premium content, especially when it comes to live sports and movies.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Claims, Piracy Concerns, Server Stability and VPN Claims, Pricing and Guarantees, Device Compatibility, Customer Support and Contact Information, User Reviews and Reputation
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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