is legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) is a nonprofit organization that represents the state and territorial highway safety offices in the United States. It was founded in 1966 and has been working to improve traffic safety and reduce road fatalities and injuries. GHSA members are responsible for implementing federal grant programs and developing and implementing highway safety policies and programs at the state level.
The GHSA website provides a wealth of information on various aspects of highway safety, including current issues, state laws, resources, news, and events. Some of the key areas of focus for GHSA and its members include:
Alcohol-Impaired Driving: GHSA works to address the problem of driving under the influence of alcohol and supports efforts to prevent and reduce alcohol-related crashes.
Bicyclists, Pedestrians, and Micromobility: GHSA is involved in promoting the safety of vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and users of micromobility devices.
Child Passenger Safety: The organization supports initiatives to ensure the proper use of child safety seats and boosters to protect young passengers in vehicles.
Distracted Driving: GHSA is actively involved in efforts to combat distracted driving, which has become a significant concern with the widespread use of mobile devices.
Drug-Impaired Driving: With the increasing prevalence of drug-impaired driving, GHSA focuses on strategies to address this issue and improve detection and prevention.
Equity: GHSA is committed to promoting equity in traffic safety, ensuring that all communities have access to effective and fair road safety measures.
Mature Drivers: The organization addresses the unique safety needs of older drivers and supports programs to help them stay safe on the road.
Motorcyclist Safety: GHSA works to improve the safety of motorcyclists through various initiatives and awareness campaigns.
Safe System Approach: GHSA promotes a comprehensive approach to road safety that considers the interaction of various elements, including roads, vehicles, and human behavior.
Seat Belts: The organization supports seat belt use and advocates for policies and programs to increase seat belt usage rates.
Speed and Red Light Cameras: GHSA is involved in discussions and initiatives related to the use of automated enforcement technologies to improve traffic safety.
Speeding and Aggressive Driving: GHSA addresses the dangers of speeding and aggressive driving behaviors and supports measures to reduce these risks.
Teen Driver Safety: The organization focuses on the unique challenges and risks faced by teen drivers and supports programs to improve their safety.
State Highway Safety Office Resources: GHSA provides tools and resources to help state highway safety offices address their most pressing issues and move closer to the shared goal of zero deaths on U.S. roadways.
Publications and Research: The GHSA website offers access to various publications, reports, and research findings related to highway safety.
Events and Conferences: The organization hosts and participates in events and conferences focused on road safety, bringing together experts and stakeholders from various fields.
Overall, the GHSA website serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about and contributing to efforts to improve highway safety in the United States. It provides a comprehensive overview of current issues, initiatives, and resources, and it reflects the ongoing commitment of GHSA and its members to the important goal of achieving zero roadway fatalities.”
the reasons behind this review :
Non-profit organization, Represents state and territorial highway safety offices, Focuses on improving traffic safety and reducing road fatalities and injuries, Founded in 1966, Provides information on various aspects of highway safety, Addresses issues such as alcohol-impaired driving, Distracted driving, Drug-impaired driving, Equity in traffic safety, Safety of vulnerable road users, Child passenger safety, Mature driver safety, Motorcyclist safety, Promotes a safe system approach to road safety, Supports seat belt use and enforcement, Advocates for measures to address speeding and aggressive driving, Focuses on teen driver safety, Provides resources for state highway safety offices, Offers publications, reports, and research findings, Hosts and participates in events and conferences on road safety, Committed to the goal of zero roadway fatalities
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content High review rate by AI Domain Age is quite old Archive Age is quite old Whois data is accessible Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list | No Negative Point |
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23 years and 8 months and 3 days
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Title :
GHSA | Governors Highway Safety Association
Description :
The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) is a nonprofit representing the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement federal grant programs to address behavioral highway safety issues.
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25 year(s) 3 month(s) 17 day(s)
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Sectigo Limited
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This website was last scanned on January 30, 2025
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