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Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website claims to be a provider of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) services in Spain. However, several red flags and characteristics commonly associated with fraudulent or scam websites can be identified:

1. Lack of Company Information: The website does not provide clear and verifiable information about the company behind the service. Legitimate businesses typically have detailed ‘About Us’ sections, including company history, location, and contact information.

2. Unrealistic Claims: The website makes exaggerated claims, such as offering access to over 65,000 live TV channels and new movies and TV series from around the world. Such high numbers are often unrealistic for a legitimate IPTV service.

3. Lack of Legal Compliance: IPTV services must comply with copyright and licensing laws. The website does not provide information about content licensing or legal compliance, which is a significant concern.

4. Payment Methods: The website mentions accepting payments via bank transfer, which can be risky for customers as it provides less recourse for disputes or refunds compared to more secure payment methods.

5. Lack of Security and Privacy Information: There is no mention of data security measures or privacy policies, which is essential for any service handling personal and payment information.

6. Overemphasis on VPN Usage: The website overly emphasizes the use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for accessing their service, which is not a standard practice for legitimate IPTV providers.

7. Limited Contact Options: The website only mentions contact via email and WhatsApp, which is unusual for a professional and established business.

8. Unrealistic Refund Policy: The claim of a 7-day refund policy after subscribing to a payment plan is not common in the IPTV industry and may be used to lure customers into making quick decisions.

9. Copyright Date: The copyright date mentioned on the website is 2024, which is unusual and may be an attempt to appear more established than they actually are.

10. Inconsistent Language and Grammar: The website contains some language and grammar inconsistencies, which can be a sign of unprofessionalism or a lack of attention to detail.

Based on these observations, the website exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with fraudulent or scam websites. It is advisable to exercise extreme caution and thoroughly research the legitimacy of the service before making any payments or providing personal information.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Company Information, Unrealistic Claims, Lack of Legal Compliance, Payment Methods, Lack of Security and Privacy Information, Overemphasis on VPN Usage, Limited Contact Options, Unrealistic Refund Policy, Copyright Date, Inconsistent Language and Grammar
Positive PointsNegative Points

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  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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