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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website claims to be a platform for the safe and secure delivery of digital assets, particularly in the realm of cryptocurrency. However, several red flags and inconsistencies are present, which raise concerns about the legitimacy and trustworthiness of this platform.

1. Lack of Detailed Information: The website provides very limited information about its operations, team, and the technology it uses. Legitimate financial platforms, especially those dealing with cryptocurrency, typically offer comprehensive details to build trust with potential users.

2. Unrealistic Promises: The website makes bold claims about its global reach and its ability to seamlessly bridge the gap between digital currencies for both retail and business sectors. Such grandiose promises without substantial evidence or a track record are often a red flag.

3. Vague Language: The language used on the website is vague and lacks specificity. Legitimate financial platforms are transparent and precise in their communication, especially when it comes to security and technology.

4. Pending Regulation: The website mentions pending regulation approval from AUSTRAC for its DCE license. This could be a tactic to appear legitimate, but it’s important to verify the actual status of any regulatory approvals.

5. Limited Contact Information: The website’s contact information is limited, and there is no physical address provided. Legitimate financial platforms typically have clear and easily accessible contact details.

6. Unsubstantiated Certifications: The website claims to be certified, but there is no verifiable information about the certifying bodies or the validity of these certifications.

7. Copyright Date: The copyright date mentioned on the website is 2024, which seems unusual for a website that is currently operational. It’s possible that this date is being used to create a false sense of longevity.

8. Limited Payment and Security Information: Legitimate financial platforms, especially those dealing with cryptocurrency, provide detailed information about their security measures and the payment methods they support. This website lacks such details.

9. No Evidence of Operations: Despite claiming to have a global reach and a team of experienced professionals, there is no verifiable evidence of the platform’s actual operations or the team behind it.

10. High-Risk Features: The combination of vague language, unrealistic promises, and limited verifiable information aligns with the characteristics of high-risk or potentially fraudulent financial platforms.

Given these red flags, it is strongly recommended to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research and verification before engaging with or any similar platform. It’s advisable to seek out established and reputable financial platforms, especially when dealing with sensitive assets like digital currencies.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Detailed Information, Unrealistic Promises, Vague Language, Pending Regulation, Limited Contact Information, Unsubstantiated Certifications, Copyright Date, Limited Payment and Security Information, No Evidence of Operations, High-Risk Features
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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