is legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in clothing, particularly undergarments and children’s wear. The site offers a variety of products, including bras, underwear, and sleepwear for women, men, and children. It also features prominent brands such as Mayoral, Selene, Dim, Janira, Avet, and Ysabel Mora. The website provides detailed product descriptions, prices, and images, allowing users to browse and make purchases online. Additionally, it offers information on shipping, returns, and customer service contacts. The site’s design is clean and professional, with clear navigation and a focus on product categories. The use of secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption, as indicated by the HTTPS protocol in the URL, is a positive sign for online security. SSL helps protect sensitive information, such as personal and financial data, during online transactions. The website’s SSL certificate is issued by GlobalSign, a reputable certification authority. This further enhances the site’s credibility and security. The domain age of is over 12 years, which is a positive indicator. Older domains are generally more trustworthy, as they have had more time to establish a reputation and are less likely to be associated with fraudulent activities. The website has been archived by the Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web, which can provide historical snapshots of web pages. This indicates a level of transparency and longevity, as the site’s content has been consistently available over time. The website’s server information shows that it is hosted in Madrid, Spain, and is associated with DinaHosting S.L., a web hosting company. This aligns with the site’s claim of serving customers in Spain and Portugal. The server location and hosting details are in line with the website’s stated operations. Overall, based on the information available, appears to be a legitimate and established online store specializing in clothing and undergarments. Its long domain age, SSL encryption, and professional design contribute to its credibility. However, as with any online purchase, it’s advisable for users to exercise caution, especially when providing personal and financial information. Verifying the site’s contact information, reading customer reviews, and using secure payment methods can further enhance the safety of online transactions.”
the reasons behind this review :
Long domain age (over 12 years) is a positive indicator of credibility. Use of SSL encryption (HTTPS) for secure online transactions. SSL certificate issued by GlobalSign, a reputable certification authority. Website content includes detailed product descriptions, prices, and images. Prominent brands featured on the site, such as Mayoral, Selene, Dim, Janira, Avet, and Ysabel Mora. Clean and professional website design with clear navigation and product categories. Information provided on shipping, returns, and customer service contacts. Website has been archived by the Wayback Machine, indicating historical availability. Server information aligns with the website's claimed operations in Spain and Portugal. Hosting details indicate association with DinaHosting S.L., a web hosting company.
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content High review rate by AI Domain Age is quite old Archive Age is quite old Whois data is accessible Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list | High gap ratio (1.22) for older domain |
How much trust do people have in
Domain age :
12 years and 11 months and 1 days
WHOIS Data Status :
Website :
Title :
Ropa10 - Tienda online de ropa de primeras marcas. Tienda de ropa, moda online, ropa hombre, ropa mu
Description :
Ropa 10, tienda de ropa de primeras marcas, hombre, mujer, interiores, niños y niñas
Website Rank :
Age of Archive :
11 year(s) 11 month(s) 21 day(s)
SSL certificate valid :
SSL Status :
Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
SSL issuer :
GlobalSign nv-sa
WHOIS registration date :
WHOIS last update date :
WHOIS Renewal Date :
Organization :
447c - Estudio de diseno, S.C.
State/Province :
Country :
Phone :
Redacted by Privacy
Email :
Organization :
Redacted by Privacy
State/Province :
Redacted by Privacy
Country :
Redacted by Privacy
Phone :
Redacted by Privacy
Email :
Organization :
Redacted by Privacy
State/Province :
Redacted by Privacy
Country :
Redacted by Privacy
Phone :
Redacted by Privacy
Email :
IP :
ISP : AS42612 DinaHosting S.L.
Country : ES
Name :
Dinahosting s.l.
Registrar Website :
Phone :
Email :
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS42612 DinaHosting S.L.
Country : ES
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS42612 DinaHosting S.L.
Country : ES
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS42612 DinaHosting S.L.
Country : ES
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS42612 DinaHosting S.L.
Country : ES
This website was last scanned on January 15, 2025
The website appears to be a technology-related website, possibly associated with the Camera360 app. The domain has been registered for over 12 years, which is a positive sign of... redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The content provided is from the official UK government website, specifically the section related to paying parking fines. The website...
The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons: Domain Age: The domain age is very recent, which is a common characteristic of scam websites. Legitimate websites...