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Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website content and the information provided suggest that this could be a potential scam. Here are some reasons:

1. Lack of Credible Information: The website provides very little concrete information about the project, its team, or its technology. This lack of transparency is a common red flag for potential scams.

2. Unrealistic Promises: Phrases like “100% liquidity & 0 taxes” and the bold declaration of “we’re here to make memes, start a revolution, and chew bubble gum” are often used in scam projects to attract attention without providing substance.

3. Vague Mission Statement: While the website mentions a mission to “dominate meme coins,” it doesn’t provide any real details on how this will be achieved or what the underlying technology or value proposition is.

4. Overemphasis on Memes: While humor and memes can be part of a legitimate project’s marketing, an excessive focus on this aspect, as seen in the website content, can be a sign of a lack of seriousness or substance.

5. High-Risk Language: Phrases like “expect $america to take you on a wild ride of all-time-highs, with a few twists of fate and a side of fries” can be interpreted as encouraging risky investment behavior, which is not responsible or professional.

6. Nationalistic Tone: The use of “America” and patriotic imagery can be a tactic to emotionally manipulate potential investors, which is a common strategy in scam projects.

7. Lack of Regulatory Compliance: There is no mention of compliance with financial regulations or oversight by any relevant authorities, which is a crucial aspect for any legitimate financial or investment project.

8. New Domain and Limited History: The website’s domain is relatively new, which means there is limited history to verify its legitimacy or track record.

9. No Information on Tokenomics: There is no clear information on the tokenomics of $america, such as its total supply, distribution, or any mechanisms for value creation.

10. High-Risk Investment Warning: The statement “it’s not just a meme, it’s a movement—and you’re either all in or forever poor” is a highly irresponsible and manipulative way to promote investment, and it’s a common tactic in scam projects.

Based on these reasons, it’s important to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before considering any involvement with this project. It’s advisable to consult with financial and cryptocurrency experts and to be highly skeptical of any investment opportunity that exhibits these red flags.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Credible Information, Unrealistic Promises, Vague Mission Statement, Overemphasis on Memes, High-Risk Language, Nationalistic Tone, Lack of Regulatory Compliance, New Domain and Limited History, No Information on Tokenomics, High-Risk Investment Warning
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No archive data but no major flags

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
