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Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website content is promoting a digital marketing and artificial intelligence course by Brian Maleki. It emphasizes the potential for significant income and global business expansion through the course. It also highlights Maleki’s credentials and success in online marketing and e-commerce, particularly on platforms like Amazon. The course is described as comprehensive, covering various aspects of digital marketing and AI, and is aimed at beginners as well as those with some background in marketing. The content tries to create a sense of urgency, suggesting that competitors are using AI to gain market share and that not keeping up with the latest digital marketing strategies could lead to falling behind. It also appeals to business owners and those seeking international job opportunities. The website encourages joining a mailing list for updates and offers contact information for support and inquiries. The tone of the content is persuasive and somewhat sensational, using phrases like ‘secrets of AI’ and ‘daily thousands of businesses are left out of the competition.’ It also employs motivational language, urging visitors to invest in their skills and not miss out on golden opportunities. The website’s design is relatively simple, with a focus on the course content and Maleki’s profile. There are links to social media platforms, but they don’t seem to be very active. The website’s primary call to action is to contact for course enrollment. The website’s domain age is quite recent, which can be a red flag for credibility. The SSL certificate is from GoDaddy, a well-known certificate authority. The server information indicates hosting through GoDaddy as well. The website’s content, particularly the emphasis on significant income potential and urgent need for AI skills, aligns with common characteristics of online scams. It’s important to thoroughly research the course and its instructor, Brian Maleki, before making any commitments. Look for independent reviews and feedback from previous students. Additionally, consider reaching out to the support email provided on the website to ask for more details about the course, its structure, and outcomes. Be cautious about any high-pressure sales tactics or promises of guaranteed success, as these are often red flags in the context of online education and training.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website content is promoting a digital marketing and artificial intelligence course by Brian Maleki. It emphasizes the potential for significant income and global business expansion through the course. It also highlights Maleki's credentials and success in online marketing and e-commerce, particularly on platforms like Amazon. The course is described as comprehensive, covering various aspects of digital marketing and AI, and is aimed at beginners as well as those with some background in marketing. The content tries to create a sense of urgency, suggesting that competitors are using AI to gain market share and that not keeping up with the latest digital marketing strategies could lead to falling behind. It also appeals to business owners and those seeking international job opportunities. The website encourages joining a mailing list for updates and offers contact information for support and inquiries. The tone of the content is persuasive and somewhat sensational, using phrases like 'secrets of AI' and 'daily thousands of businesses are left out of the competition.' It also employs motivational language, urging visitors to invest in their skills and not miss out on golden opportunities. The website's design is relatively simple, with a focus on the course content and Maleki's profile. There are links to social media platforms, but they don't seem to be very active. The website's primary call to action is to contact for course enrollment. The website's domain age is quite recent, which can be a red flag for credibility. The SSL certificate is from GoDaddy, a well-known certificate authority. The server information indicates hosting through GoDaddy as well. The website's content, particularly the emphasis on significant income potential and urgent need for AI skills, aligns with common characteristics of online scams. It's important to thoroughly research the course and its instructor, Brian Maleki, before making any commitments. Look for independent reviews and feedback from previous students. Additionally, consider reaching out to the support email provided on the website to ask for more details about the course, its structure, and outcomes. Be cautious about any high-pressure sales tactics or promises of guaranteed success, as these are often red flags in the context of online education and training.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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