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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Adastra is a clinical patient management software solution provided by OneAdvanced, a UK-based software company. It is designed to support healthcare providers in managing episodes of care across various urgent care settings, including community pharmacies, out-of-hours services, and NHS 111 services. The platform offers several key features, including patient record and case management, electronic patient referrals, integrated decision support, extensive interoperability, shared care records, reporting options, and integration with various healthcare systems like GP Connect, Care Connect, and BARS.

Adastra has a rich and diverse customer base, with 27 years of experience in the healthcare sector and a strong presence in supporting NHS 111 services. The software is designed to provide clinically safe solutions, leveraging the expertise of both the OneAdvanced team and skilled clinical staff. It emphasizes the importance of integration with other healthcare systems to ensure comprehensive and seamless patient care.

The platform’s benefits include access to patient records, emergency data compliance, electronic prescribing, reporting and analytics tools, dispatch of ambulances, workflow and prioritization features, and the ability to send information to GPs. It also offers an onboarding journey for new users, which involves understanding their business needs, planning the implementation, executing the plan, and ensuring successful adoption of the software.

Adastra’s integration with shared care records is highlighted as a key feature, providing clinicians with real-time access to a patient’s electronic record at the point of care. This is intended to facilitate informed decision-making and improve clinical continuity.

The platform’s website also features resources related to clinical patient management, including whitepapers on health inequalities in primary care, digital transformation in the NHS, technology’s role in delivering a greener NHS, and innovation in primary care settings. These resources aim to provide insights into the broader healthcare landscape and the role of technology in addressing key challenges.

The FAQs section addresses common questions about clinical patient management software, its benefits for urgent treatment centers, integration with other service organizations, productivity and efficiency, and the value proposition for urgent care organizations.

The website provides multiple channels for contacting the company, including phone support, live chat, and a request callback feature. It also emphasizes the importance of customer support, with a dedicated community platform for users to access support resources, including articles, release notes, and AI-powered search functionality.

Overall, Adastra appears to be a comprehensive and specialized software solution tailored to the unique requirements of urgent and unscheduled care in the healthcare sector. Its emphasis on clinical safety, integration with other healthcare systems, and real-time access to patient records aligns with the needs of healthcare providers in managing complex and time-sensitive patient cases.”

the reasons behind this review :
Comprehensive and specialized software solution tailored to the unique requirements of urgent and unscheduled care in the healthcare sector. Emphasis on clinical safety and integration with other healthcare systems. Real-time access to patient records at the point of care. 27 years of experience in the healthcare sector and a strong presence in supporting NHS 111 services. Onboarding journey for new users, involving understanding their business needs, planning the implementation, executing the plan, and ensuring successful adoption of the software. Resources related to clinical patient management, including whitepapers on health inequalities in primary care, digital transformation in the NHS, technology's role in delivering a greener NHS, and innovation in primary care settings. FAQs section addressing common questions about clinical patient management software, its benefits for urgent treatment centers, integration with other service organizations, productivity and efficiency, and the value proposition for urgent care organizations. Multiple channels for contacting the company, including phone support, live chat, and a request callback feature. Emphasis on customer support, with a dedicated community platform for users to access support resources, including articles, release notes, and AI-powered search functionality.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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