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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website claims to be a world-class digital assets investment company, offering cryptocurrency investment and trading solutions. However, several red flags and inconsistencies suggest that this website is likely a scam. Here are some reasons for this assessment:

1. Unrealistic Investment Returns: The website advertises extremely high and consistent returns on investment, such as 72.1% for the "pro" plan. Such high and guaranteed returns are not realistic in any legitimate investment market, especially in the volatile and unpredictable cryptocurrency market.

2. Lack of Detailed Information: The website provides very limited information about its investment strategies, team, or company background. Legitimate investment platforms typically offer detailed information to build trust with potential investors.

3. Testimonials: The testimonials on the website, while positive, are generic and lack specific details. They could be fabricated to create a false sense of trust.

4. Lack of Regulation and Compliance Information: Legitimate investment platforms are usually transparent about their regulatory status and compliance with financial authorities. There is no mention of any regulatory oversight on

5. High Pressure Sales Tactics: The website uses language designed to create a sense of urgency and pressure visitors into making quick investment decisions. This is a common tactic used by fraudulent investment schemes.

6. Limited Contact Information: The website provides only an email address for contact, which is not typical of legitimate investment companies. There is no physical address or phone number provided.

7. Domain Age: The domain for the website is relatively new, which is often a red flag for fraudulent websites. It was registered just 2 months and 5 days ago.

8. Lack of Security and Trust Seals: The website does not display any recognizable security or trust seals, which are common on legitimate financial websites.

9. Vague Business Description: The website's description of its business and services is vague and lacks specific details about how it operates and generates returns.

10. No Independent Verification: There is no evidence of independent verification or third-party audits of the platform's claimed investment performance.

Based on these factors, it is highly advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before considering any investment with It is recommended to seek advice from a qualified financial professional and to avoid making any hasty investment decisions based solely on the information provided on this website."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Investment Returns, Lack of Detailed Information, Testimonials, Lack of Regulation and Compliance Information, High Pressure Sales Tactics, Limited Contact Information, Domain Age, Lack of Security and Trust Seals, Vague Business Description, No Independent Verification
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new