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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Suspicious Domain Age: The domain age of 1 month and 27 days is relatively new for a website that claims to offer a wide range of services, including streaming movies and web series. Scammers often create new websites to avoid being easily traced.

2. Unprofessional Content: The website’s content, particularly the mix of movie descriptions and technical details, appears unprofessional and inconsistent. Legitimate streaming platforms typically have well-organized and polished content.

3. Lack of Legal Information: There is no clear indication of the website’s legal status, such as terms of use, privacy policy, or copyright information. Legitimate streaming platforms usually provide this information to protect their users and content creators.

4. High-Risk SSL Certificate: The SSL certificate issuer “WR1” is not a well-known or reputable certificate authority. Legitimate websites typically use SSL certificates from established providers like Let’s Encrypt, Comodo, or DigiCert.

5. No Verifiable Contact Information: The website may lack verifiable contact information, such as a physical address or phone number. This can be a red flag, as legitimate businesses usually provide multiple ways to contact them.

6. Suspicious Server Location: The server’s location in Boston, Massachusetts, may not align with the claimed business operations. It’s important to verify the physical location of a company, especially if it involves content distribution.

7. Inconsistent Copyright Claims: The website claims to have the rights to various movies and web series, but without clear evidence or partnerships with established studios, these claims are dubious.

8. No User Reviews or Testimonials: A lack of genuine user reviews or testimonials can be a warning sign. Legitimate streaming platforms often have user feedback and ratings to build trust.

9. High-Risk Category: The website’s content and the combination of movie descriptions with technical details can be a characteristic of high-risk or scam websites.

10. No Clear Revenue Model: It’s unclear how the website generates revenue, which is important to consider for any online platform. Legitimate streaming services typically have transparent revenue models, such as subscriptions or advertising.

It’s important to exercise caution when dealing with websites that exhibit these red flags. If you’re considering using a streaming service, it’s advisable to choose well-known and reputable platforms with a proven track record in the industry.”

the reasons behind this review :
Suspicious Domain Age, Unprofessional Content, Lack of Legal Information, High-Risk SSL Certificate, No Verifiable Contact Information, Suspicious Server Location, Inconsistent Copyright Claims, No User Reviews or Testimonials, High-Risk Category, No Clear Revenue Model
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  negative reviews are more than Positive reviews

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

How much trust do people have in


Total 1 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
