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The Rift Valley Institute (RVI) is an independent, non-profit organization that focuses on Eastern and Central Africa. It was founded in Sudan in 2001 and has since expanded its operations to various countries in the region. The institute’s primary goal is to advance knowledge about the region and its diverse communities, with a particular emphasis on understanding local realities and their implications for social and political action.

Key Features and Activities:

1. Practical Research and Action: RVI has been involved in practical research and policy analysis, particularly in the areas of human security, cultural conservation, and social development. It has conducted field investigations, pursued research on peace processes, judicial systems, and elections, and developed training courses across the region.

2. Partnerships in Post-Conflict Environments: The institute operates in countries that have experienced conflict and works with local researchers and community activists to sustain local institutions and restore standards of research and public information.

3. Long-Term Impact: RVI’s programs are designed for long-term impact, aiming to shape aid interventions, expand public participation in policy, support local research capacity, preserve communal histories, and promote social justice.

4. Governance and Representation: The institute was co-founded by John Ryle, Philip Winter, and Jok Madut Jok. Its staff and fellows come from diverse backgrounds, including practitioners and researchers in human rights, government, history, anthropology, political science, development economics, conservation, news media, and law.

5. Funding and Partnerships: RVI is supported by grants, course fees, publishing income, consultancies, and individual donations. Its funders include private philanthropic organizations, governments, and intergovernmental organizations.

6. Organizational Strategy: In June 2020, RVI published its 4-year development strategy, which reflects the values that drive its work and outlines its approach to achieving its development ambitions.

7. Recent Publications: The institute regularly publishes research reports, briefings, meeting reports, research papers, and books. Its publications are available for free download from its website under Creative Commons licenses.

Overall, the Rift Valley Institute is a well-established organization with a strong focus on research, education, and practical action in Eastern and Central Africa. Its commitment to long-term impact, local partnerships, and open access to knowledge reflects its dedication to advancing understanding and promoting positive change in the region.”

the reasons behind this review :
Independent, non-profit organization focused on Eastern and Central Africa. Founded in Sudan in 2001. Aims to advance knowledge about the region and its diverse communities. Emphasis on understanding local realities and their implications for social and political action. Practical research and policy analysis in areas such as human security, cultural conservation, and social development. Conducts field investigations and research on peace processes, judicial systems, and elections. Develops training courses across the region. Operates in post-conflict environments, working with local researchers and community activists. Aims for long-term impact, including shaping aid interventions, expanding public participation in policy, supporting local research capacity, preserving communal histories, and promoting social justice. Co-founded by John Ryle, Philip Winter, and Jok Madut Jok. Staff and fellows come from diverse backgrounds, including practitioners and researchers in various fields. Supported by grants, course fees, publishing income, consultancies, and individual donations. Funders include private philanthropic organizations, governments, and intergovernmental organizations. Published a 4-year development strategy in June 2020. Regularly publishes research reports, briefings, meeting reports, research papers, and books. Publications are available for free download from the website under Creative Commons licenses.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old


  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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