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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the associated domain information raise several red flags that are commonly associated with scam websites:

1. Unrealistic Earning Claims: The website claims that users can earn significant amounts of money (e.g., $0.60 per minute of video viewing, $10 sign-up bonus, and 40% from referrals). Such high and consistent earnings for simple tasks like watching videos are highly unrealistic.

2. Testimonials and User Reviews: The website features several user testimonials with exaggerated claims of large earnings. These are often fabricated to lure in more users.

3. Lack of Information on Business Model: The website does not provide clear information on how it generates revenue to sustain such high payouts to users. Legitimate businesses usually have transparent revenue models.

4. Urgency and Pressure to Join: The website creates a sense of urgency and excitement by claiming that this is the easiest way to make money in 2023. This is a common tactic used by scam websites to rush people into signing up without thinking critically.

5. High Minimum Withdrawal Amount: The website may have a high minimum withdrawal amount, making it difficult for users to actually cash out their earnings. This is a common tactic to prevent users from realizing that the promised earnings are not attainable.

6. Unverifiable Payment Proof: The list of recent payments and the associated user names and amounts are likely fabricated and cannot be independently verified.

7. Lack of Legal Information: Legitimate websites usually provide clear legal information, such as terms and conditions, privacy policy, and company details. The absence of such information is a red flag.

8. Domain Age and Registration: The domain's relatively short age (1 year and 18 days) is not necessarily a definitive indicator of a scam, but combined with other red flags, it raises concerns. Additionally, if the domain registration information is not publicly available or if it is associated with other suspicious websites, it could be a cause for concern.

9. Lack of Security and Trust Seals: The website may lack recognizable security and trust seals, which are common on legitimate websites to assure users of their safety and credibility.

10. High-Risk Hosting Location: The website is hosted on a server in San Francisco, California, which is not inherently suspicious. However, if the hosting provider or server location is associated with a history of hosting scam websites, it could be a red flag.

It's important to approach websites like this with caution and skepticism. Always conduct thorough research, look for independent reviews and ratings, and consider the overall credibility and transparency of the website before engaging with any money-making claims."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Earning Claims, Testimonials and User Reviews, Lack of Information on Business Model, Urgency and Pressure to Join, High Minimum Withdrawal Amount, Unverifiable Payment Proof, Lack of Legal Information, Domain Age and Registration, Lack of Security and Trust Seals, High-Risk Hosting Location
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new