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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. is a website that appears to be a community platform for sharing shopping information, deals, and product reviews, particularly focused on Korean and American markets. The site seems to have a strong emphasis on user-generated content, with sections for sharing hot deals, shopping experiences, product reviews, and general community discussions. The content is diverse, covering a wide range of topics related to shopping, product recommendations, and personal experiences. The site also includes a section for writing and sharing reviews, which suggests a focus on user engagement and community participation. The site’s content appears to be primarily in Korean, indicating a target audience of Korean-speaking users. The site’s domain name, “,” suggests a focus on coupons and deals, which aligns with the content observed on the site. The site’s content and structure indicate that it serves as a platform for users to share and discover shopping-related information, deals, and product recommendations. The site’s community-oriented approach and user-generated content suggest that it aims to provide a space for users to engage with each other and exchange information and experiences related to shopping and consumer products. The site’s focus on deals, coupons, and product reviews aligns with the broader trend of online platforms that cater to consumer interests and provide a space for users to share and discover shopping-related content. Overall, appears to be a community-driven platform for sharing shopping information and experiences, particularly focused on Korean and American markets. The site’s emphasis on user-generated content and community engagement suggests that it aims to provide a space for users to connect, exchange information, and discover deals and product recommendations.”

the reasons behind this review :
Community-driven platform for sharing shopping information and experiences, Emphasis on user-generated content, Focus on Korean and American markets, Sections for sharing hot deals, shopping experiences, and product reviews, Inclusion of a section for writing and sharing reviews, Suggests a focus on user engagement and community participation, Content primarily in Korean, indicating a target audience of Korean-speaking users, Domain name "" suggests a focus on coupons and deals, Aligns with the broader trend of online platforms catering to consumer interests, Provides a space for users to share and discover shopping-related content.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
