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Key-Systems GmbH, operating under the brand name of Key-Systems, is a reputable domain registrar and internet technology company. It was founded in 1998 and has since become a significant player in the domain industry, managing over 7 million domains for its customers. The company’s core business is domain registration, but it also offers a wide range of IT services, including colocation, virtual servers, web hosting, SSL certificates, brand monitoring on the internet, and the operation of a registry. Key-Systems serves a diverse client base, including individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, domain investors, and large international organizations and corporations. It has a team of over 90 domain experts and has expanded its customer base to more than 100,000 end customers and corporate clients, along with over 2,300 resellers worldwide. Key-Systems is part of the Team Internet Group PLC, which is based in London and is listed on the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (AIM: TIG). Team Internet develops and manages software platforms that enable companies worldwide to utilize the internet for websites, emails, brand protection, and monetization. With customers in over 190 countries and various global offices, Team Internet is a truly global company, generating revenue from the sale of domain names, hosting, and other essential internet services based on annual transaction prices. Key-Systems’ international focus is evident in its specialized business areas, offerings for end customers, businesses, brand owners, and resellers, support in multiple languages, and a customer base of over 100,000 in more than 200 countries. The company’s website provides detailed information about its services, customer support, legal terms, and policies, reflecting a commitment to transparency and professionalism. Key-Systems’ association with the Team Internet Group PLC, a publicly traded company, adds another layer of credibility and accountability. The company’s long-standing presence in the industry, extensive client base, and diverse service offerings contribute to its reputation as a reliable and established player in the domain and internet technology sector.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable domain registrar and internet technology company, Founded in 1998, Manages over 7 million domains, Core business is domain registration, Offers a wide range of IT services, including colocation, virtual servers, web hosting, SSL certificates, brand monitoring on the internet, and the operation of a registry, Serves a diverse client base, including individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, domain investors, and large international organizations and corporations, Has a team of over 90 domain experts, Expanded its customer base to more than 100,000 end customers and corporate clients, along with over 2,300 resellers worldwide, Part of the Team Internet Group PLC, based in London and listed on the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (AIM: TIG), Team Internet develops and manages software platforms that enable companies worldwide to utilize the internet for websites, emails, brand protection, and monetization, Customers in over 190 countries and various global offices, Generates revenue from the sale of domain names, hosting, and other essential internet services based on annual transaction prices, International focus evident in specialized business areas, offerings for end customers, businesses, brand owners, and resellers, Support in multiple languages, Customer base of over 100,000 in more than 200 countries, Detailed information about services, customer support, legal terms, and policies on the company's website, Association with the Team Internet Group PLC, a publicly traded company, Long-standing presence in the industry, Extensive client base, Diverse service offerings, Reputation as a reliable and established player in the domain and internet technology sector
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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