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Why is the trust score of very low?

The content on the website you provided is highly indicative of illegal activities, specifically related to financial fraud and cybercrime. Here are some of the key red flags:

1. Carding and Fraudulent Activities: The website openly discusses methods for carding, which is the use of stolen credit card information for fraudulent transactions. This is illegal and highly unethical.

2. Use of Stolen Information: The website provides detailed guides on how to use stolen credit card information for various purposes, including purchasing items and cashing out funds. This is a clear indication of criminal intent.

3. Promotion of Illegal Services: The website promotes services related to hacking, fraud, and money laundering, such as selling bank logs and offering methods for cashing out stolen funds.

4. Lack of Legitimate Business Purpose: The content does not appear to have any legitimate business purpose. Instead, it focuses solely on illegal and unethical activities related to financial fraud.

5. High Risk of Legal Consequences: Engaging in the activities promoted on this website can lead to severe legal consequences, including criminal charges and imprisonment.

6. Use of Multiple Email Addresses: The use of multiple email addresses for contact purposes, especially those associated with illegal activities, is a common tactic used by scammers and fraudsters to avoid detection and accountability.

7. Promotion of Money Laundering: The website provides detailed information on how to convert stolen funds into cryptocurrency, which is a classic method of money laundering.

8. Involvement in Cybercrime Networks: The website’s content and the use of specific email addresses are consistent with the modus operandi of cybercrime networks and forums.

9. Promotion of Fraudulent Tools: The website promotes the use of tools and methods for fraudulent activities, such as bypassing 3D secure payment systems and checking the balance of stolen credit cards.

10. Highly Unethical Content: Even if the website’s activities were not illegal, they are highly unethical and contribute to financial harm and security risks for individuals and businesses.

It’s important to note that engaging with or promoting such activities is not only illegal but also harmful to individuals and the broader financial system. It’s highly recommended to avoid any association with such websites and report them to the appropriate authorities.”

the reasons behind this review :
Carding and Fraudulent Activities, Use of Stolen Information, Promotion of Illegal Services, Lack of Legitimate Business Purpose, High Risk of Legal Consequences, Use of Multiple Email Addresses, Promotion of Money Laundering, Involvement in Cybercrime Networks, Promotion of Fraudulent Tools, Highly Unethical Content
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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