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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website claims to offer services related to earning and borrowing crypto. However, several red flags and concerning elements can be identified from the provided content:

1. **Use of Donald Trump’s Name and Image:** The website prominently features the name and image of Donald Trump, suggesting a connection or endorsement. However, the disclaimer at the bottom of the page states that neither Donald Trump nor any of his family members or affiliates are directly involved with World Liberty Financial. This discrepancy raises questions about the website’s credibility and intentions.

2. **Token Sale and Affiliation with Trump-Related Entities:** The website mentions the sale of $WLFI tokens and their association with DT Marks DeFi LLC, an entity linked to Donald Trump. It claims that DT Marks DeFi LLC and its affiliates, including Donald Trump, may receive a significant number of tokens and fees from World Liberty Financial. This association with a high-profile figure and potential financial arrangements could be a tactic to attract investors, but it also raises concerns about transparency and the true nature of the relationship.

3. **Political Disclaimer:** The website includes a disclaimer stating that World Liberty Financial and $WLFI are not political and not part of any political campaign. This disclaimer seems out of place for a financial platform and could be an attempt to preemptively address potential controversies or misconceptions.

4. **Privacy Policy and UK Resident Disclaimer:** The privacy policy includes specific information for UK residents, outlining criteria for qualified investors and relevant persons. This level of detail and the focus on UK regulations may not be relevant or necessary for a global audience, potentially adding unnecessary complexity or confusion.

5. **Cookie Usage and Jurisdiction Selection:** The website prompts users to select their jurisdiction of residence, with options for the US and non-US residents. This could be related to regulatory compliance, but the specific language and requirements for US residents to certify their status as accredited investors under US securities laws could be a cause for concern, especially if the platform is targeting a broad international audience.

6. **Lack of Clear Business Model and Services:** While the website mentions earning interest and borrowing against crypto assets, it does not provide detailed information about its business model, the specific DeFi protocols it utilizes, or the terms and conditions for users. This lack of transparency can be a significant risk for potential investors or users.

7. **Short Domain Age:** The domain for the website,, has a relatively short age of 4 months and 8 days. While a new domain by itself is not indicative of a scam, it can be a factor to consider, especially when combined with other concerning elements.

8. **Hidden Domain Whois Information:** The domain whois information is hidden, which can make it difficult to verify the legitimacy of the website and its operators. This lack of transparency is a common tactic in potentially dubious online platforms.

9. **Use of Google Trust Services for SSL:** While the use of Google Trust Services for SSL is not inherently suspicious, it’s worth noting that scammers can also obtain SSL certificates. It’s important to consider SSL as just one aspect of a website’s overall trustworthiness.

10. **No Clear Information on Team or Leadership:** The website does not provide clear information about its team, leadership, or the individuals behind World Liberty Financial. This lack of transparency about the people running the platform can be a significant red flag.

Based on these observations, it’s important for individuals to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with the services offered by The use of high-profile names, potential token sales, and complex regulatory disclaimers can create an appearance of legitimacy, but users should look for clear, verifiable information and consider seeking independent financial or legal advice before making any investments or commitments.”

the reasons behind this review :
Use of Donald Trump's Name and Image, Token Sale and Affiliation with Trump-Related Entities, Political Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and UK Resident Disclaimer, Cookie Usage and Jurisdiction Selection, Lack of Clear Business Model and Services, Short Domain Age, Hidden Domain Whois Information, Use of Google Trust Services for SSL, No Clear Information on Team or Leadership
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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