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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to http// during the time we crawled it. The website content you provided raises several red flags:

1. Offering Diplomas for Sale: The website openly advertises the sale of diplomas, which is highly unethical and likely illegal in many jurisdictions. This alone is a significant indicator of a scam.

2. No Prepayment: The claim of “no prepayment” can be a tactic to lure in potential victims. Scammers often use this as a way to gain trust, but it’s important to remember that the entire operation could be fraudulent.

3. Use of Official Blanks: The mention of using “real forms” from a government institution (FGUP Goznak) is suspicious. It’s highly unlikely that a legitimate business would openly admit to using official documents for fraudulent purposes.

4. Free Delivery to Regions: Offering free delivery to regions can be a tactic to make the service seem more legitimate. However, it’s important to remember that the entire premise of selling diplomas is fraudulent, regardless of delivery methods.

5. Multiple Years of Diplomas: The website lists diplomas for various years, which is unusual for a legitimate educational institution. It’s more common for scammers to offer a wide range of options to attract a larger pool of potential victims.

6. Inconsistent Contact Information: The website provides an email address and a phone number, but the legitimacy of these details cannot be verified. Scammers often use easily disposable contact information to avoid being traced.

7. Lack of Educational Context: Legitimate educational institutions focus on providing quality education and do not engage in the sale of diplomas. The website’s primary focus on selling diplomas is a major red flag.

8. Unprofessional Language: The use of informal language and the lack of professional presentation on the website can be indicative of a scam. Legitimate educational institutions maintain a professional online presence.

9. Longevity of Operation: The fact that the website has been operational for several years does not necessarily indicate legitimacy. Scammers can maintain fraudulent operations for extended periods before being shut down.

10. Legal and Ethical Concerns: Engaging in the purchase of diplomas is not only ethically questionable but can also have serious legal consequences. It’s important to avoid any involvement in such activities.

Based on these points, it’s highly advisable to avoid any interaction with this website. Engaging in the purchase of diplomas from such sources can have severe repercussions, including legal and professional ramifications. It’s crucial to prioritize ethical and legal means of obtaining qualifications and to be cautious of any offers that seem too good to be true.”

the reasons behind this review :
Offering Diplomas for Sale, No Prepayment, Use of Official Blanks, Free Delivery to Regions, Multiple Years of Diplomas, Inconsistent Contact Information, Lack of Educational Context, Unprofessional Language, Longevity of Operation, Legal and Ethical Concerns
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

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