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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a landing page for a program called “High Energy Secrets” by Patricia Saint Clair. The content on the site promotes a manifestation technique and offers a free introductory session. However, several elements raise red flags:

1. **Vague Claims**: The website makes grand claims about the effectiveness of the “High Energy Secrets” program, such as achieving financial independence and love happiness, without providing substantial evidence or testimonials.

2. **High Pressure Sales Tactics**: The site uses persuasive language to encourage visitors to sign up for the free session, creating a sense of urgency and promising rapid life changes.

3. **Lack of Detailed Information**: There is a lack of specific information about the program, its methodology, or the credentials of Patricia Saint Clair, beyond self-proclaimed titles like “pioneer of the new energy” and “founder of the first German online consciousness school.”

4. **Request for Personal Information**: The site asks for personal information, including name and email, before providing access to the free session. This could be a tactic to collect leads for marketing purposes.

5. **Use of Emotional Triggers**: The content uses emotional triggers, such as testimonials claiming life-changing experiences, to appeal to visitors’ desires for happiness and success.

6. **Cookie Consent Prompt**: The website’s cookie consent prompt is overly detailed and may be designed to confuse or distract visitors.

7. **Lack of Transparency**: The site does not provide clear information about the cost or commitment involved beyond the free session, which could indicate a lack of transparency.

8. **Unverifiable Claims**: The testimonials and feedback from individuals are presented without verifiable details, making it difficult to confirm their authenticity.

9. **Age of the Domain**: While the domain age is relatively young, this alone is not a definitive indicator of legitimacy, but it can be a factor to consider in the overall assessment.

10. **SSL Certificate**: The site uses a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, which is a positive sign for basic security, but it does not guarantee the trustworthiness of the content or the organization behind the site.

Based on these observations, the website exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with potentially misleading or deceptive marketing practices. Visitors should approach the claims and offers on the site with caution and consider conducting further research or seeking independent reviews before engaging with the program.”

the reasons behind this review :
Vague Claims, High Pressure Sales Tactics, Lack of Detailed Information, Request for Personal Information, Use of Emotional Triggers, Cookie Consent Prompt, Lack of Transparency, Unverifiable Claims, Age of the Domain, SSL Certificate
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
