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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website is promoting the sale of anabolic steroids, which is illegal in many countries without a prescription. The use of anabolic steroids for non-medical purposes, such as bodybuilding, is associated with serious health risks and is prohibited in many sports organizations due to its unfair performance-enhancing effects. The website’s content and customer reviews suggest that it is facilitating the illegal distribution of these substances, which is highly unethical and potentially harmful to individuals who may be misled into purchasing and using these products. Additionally, the website’s emphasis on “personal service & prompt delivery” and “reward programs” for steroid purchases is concerning, as it normalizes and incentivizes the use of these dangerous substances. It’s important to note that the positive customer reviews on the website may not be genuine and could be fabricated to promote the sale of these illegal products. The website’s attempt to downplay the risks of anabolic steroid use by comparing them to everyday objects like table knives is misleading and irresponsible. Anabolic steroids are not comparable to harmless objects and their use should only be considered under the guidance of a qualified medical professional for legitimate medical purposes. The website’s claim of offering “safe steroid purchases” is misleading and contradicts the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the sale and use of anabolic steroids. It’s important for individuals to be aware of the legal and health risks associated with anabolic steroid use and to seek professional medical advice if they have concerns about their physical performance or appearance. The website’s promotion of anabolic steroids for bodybuilding and other high-performance sports is not only unethical but also potentially harmful to individuals who may be influenced by its misleading claims. It’s crucial to prioritize health and safety over the pursuit of physical enhancement through illegal and dangerous means.”

the reasons behind this review :
Illegal promotion of anabolic steroids, Misleading and unethical marketing, Potential health risks associated with anabolic steroid use, Normalization and incentivization of illegal substance use, Fabricated or unreliable customer reviews, Downplaying the risks of anabolic steroid use, Irresponsible comparison of steroids to harmless objects, Contradictory claim of offering 'safe steroid purchases', Legal and ethical considerations surrounding anabolic steroids, Importance of seeking professional medical advice for physical enhancement concerns, Ethical and health concerns regarding promotion of anabolic steroids for bodybuilding and high-performance sports, Prioritizing health and safety over illegal and dangerous means of physical enhancement
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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