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Why is the trust score of very high?

TextUs is a legitimate business messaging platform that offers a variety of features for businesses to communicate with their customers, candidates, and workers via text messages. The company provides a platform for real-time, two-way communication, allowing businesses to engage with their audience more effectively. It also emphasizes the importance of personalized and targeted messaging, as well as the integration of SMS communication with existing CRM, ATS, or HRIS systems. These are all common and legitimate practices in the business messaging and customer engagement space.

The website provides detailed information about the platform’s features, benefits, and customer testimonials. It also offers resources such as case studies, playbooks, and reports to help businesses understand the value of text messaging for their specific industry or use case.

The use of customer testimonials and reviews is a common marketing practice and doesn’t necessarily indicate a scam. Many legitimate companies showcase positive feedback from their customers to build trust and credibility.

The website also mentions its presence on G2, a well-known software review platform. This is another common practice for legitimate companies to demonstrate their reputation and gather user feedback.

The website’s emphasis on the benefits of business texting, such as increased engagement, improved sales, and productivity gains, aligns with the general value proposition of SMS communication for businesses.

The platform’s integration capabilities with other business systems, like CRM and ATS, are also in line with standard practices for business communication and customer relationship management.

The website’s focus on specific industries, such as recruiting, sales, marketing, and workforce management, is a common approach for business software providers. Tailoring the messaging and features to different industry needs is a legitimate strategy.

The website’s use of white-labeling, where businesses can brand the SMS platform as their own, is a standard offering in the software industry and doesn’t raise any red flags.

The website’s pricing information and the availability of different plans for businesses of varying sizes and needs are typical for SaaS (Software as a Service) providers.

Overall, based on the information provided and the standard practices in the business messaging and SaaS industry, TextUs appears to be a legitimate and reputable company offering business texting solutions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate business messaging platform, Offers features for real-time, two-way communication, Emphasizes personalized and targeted messaging, Integrates with CRM, ATS, or HRIS systems, Provides resources like case studies and playbooks, Showcases customer testimonials and reviews, Presence on G2 software review platform, Emphasizes benefits of business texting, Focuses on specific industries for tailored solutions, Offers white-labeling for branding the platform, Provides pricing information and different plans for businesses
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
