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The website “” appears to be a platform for conducting psi (psychic) tests and research. It offers a suite of psi tests for users to explore their potential psychic abilities. The site emphasizes that the tests are for fun and provide immediate feedback, but also notes that high scores in these tests can be due to chance as well as actual abilities. It’s part of a research program to assess the genuineness of psi, and users are asked to perform tests and fill out a survey as part of this research. The site claims to be a 3+ star rated non-profit 503c(3) organization, relying on donations and not selling personal data. It also states that it will never email marketing material and that account deletion will result in the permanent deletion of results and identification. The website is in beta, with a planned release in early 2022. Users are encouraged to register or log in to access the tests. It’s important to note that the concept of psi and psychic abilities is highly controversial and not widely accepted in the scientific community. Many studies on psi have been criticized for methodological flaws and lack of reproducibility. As a result, claims related to psi should be approached with skepticism and critical thinking. It’s also important to consider the privacy and data security aspects of participating in such research, especially when personal information is involved. Users should carefully review the website’s privacy policy and terms of use before engaging in any activities. Additionally, it’s advisable to verify the credibility and reputation of the organization behind the website, especially when it comes to claims of non-profit status and research integrity. Overall, while the website may offer entertainment value for those interested in psi-related topics, it’s essential to approach it with a critical mindset and consider the broader scientific and ethical implications.”

the reasons behind this review :
Platform for conducting psi (psychic) tests and research, Emphasizes that the tests are for fun and provide immediate feedback, Notes that high scores in these tests can be due to chance as well as actual abilities, Part of a research program to assess the genuineness of psi, Users are asked to perform tests and fill out a survey as part of the research, Claims to be a 3+ star rated non-profit 503c(3) organization, Relies on donations and states that it does not sell personal data, States that it will never email marketing material, Claims that account deletion will result in the permanent deletion of results and identification, Website is in beta, with a planned release in early 2022, Encourages users to register or log in to access the tests, The concept of psi and psychic abilities is highly controversial and not widely accepted in the scientific community, Many studies on psi have been criticized for methodological flaws and lack of reproducibility, Claims related to psi should be approached with skepticism and critical thinking, Privacy and data security aspects should be carefully considered before participating in such research, Users should review the website's privacy policy and terms of use, Verify the credibility and reputation of the organization behind the website, especially regarding claims of non-profit status and research integrity, Approach the website with a critical mindset and consider the broader scientific and ethical implications
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain is new

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