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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website claims to be a breeder of Persian kittens, emphasizing their hypoallergenic qualities. However, several red flags suggest that this website might not be legitimate:

1. **Unrealistic Discounts:** Offering a 50% discount on all services for a whole month is highly unusual for a legitimate breeder. It’s a common tactic used by scam websites to lure in customers with the promise of a great deal.

2. **Low Prices:** The listed prices for the kittens are unusually low, especially for a breed like Persian, which is known for its high demand and relatively high prices.

3. **Generic Information:** The website provides generic information about Persian cats and their characteristics, which can be easily found on any legitimate pet information website. It lacks specific details about their breeding program, the lineage of their cats, or their cattery.

4. **Lack of Detailed Health Information:** While the website mentions that the parents of the kittens are tested for certain genetic diseases, it doesn’t provide detailed health information or certificates. Legitimate breeders usually provide extensive health records for their kittens.

5. **Vague Contact Information:** The website’s “Contact Us” section may lack specific details about the breeder’s location, cattery name, or direct contact information. Legitimate breeders are usually transparent about their location and contact details.

6. **No Information on the Breeder:** There’s a lack of information about the breeder or the people behind the website. Legitimate breeders often provide detailed information about their experience, their cattery, and their passion for breeding.

7. **No References or Testimonials:** While the website mentions “customer reviews,” there are no actual testimonials or references from previous customers. Legitimate breeders often have a strong online presence with genuine customer feedback.

8. **Urgency in Sales Pitch:** The website uses language that creates a sense of urgency, such as “50% off today,” which is a common tactic in scam websites to pressure potential buyers into making quick decisions.

9. **Lack of Detailed Kitten Information:** Each kitten is described in a very similar manner, lacking unique personality traits or specific details about their development and socialization.

10. **Vet Checked and Trained:** The claim that the kittens are vet checked and litter-box trained is common and can be misleading. It’s expected that any responsible breeder would ensure these basics.

11. **Google Verification:** While the website claims to be “Google verified,” this is not a standard verification for pet breeders. It’s unclear what this verification entails.

12. **Powered by WordPress:** While using WordPress for a website is common, it’s also a platform that can be easily set up by non-professionals, including scammers.

Given these red flags, it’s advisable to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before considering any purchase from this website. If you’re interested in getting a Persian kitten, it’s recommended to look for well-established and reputable breeders with a strong online and offline presence, and who can provide verifiable references and detailed information about their breeding program and the health of their kittens.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Discounts, Low Prices, Generic Information, Lack of Detailed Health Information, Vague Contact Information, No Information on the Breeder, No References or Testimonials, Urgency in Sales Pitch, Lack of Detailed Kitten Information, Vet Checked and Trained, Google Verification, Powered by WordPress
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden