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Why is the trust score of low?

The website appears to be a legitimate business website for a heladería (ice cream parlor) and horchatería (specializing in horchata, a traditional Spanish beverage). The content is consistent with what you’d expect from a business in this industry, including information about their location, products, and contact details. The website also mentions their commitment to using natural ingredients and providing a cozy, family-friendly environment. The presence of a physical address and contact information, such as an email address and phone number, is a positive sign, as it allows customers to reach out with inquiries or feedback. The use of a professional domain name ( is also a good indicator. The website’s design and layout are typical of small business websites, with sections for different aspects of the business, such as the menu, policies, and contact information. The use of a website builder platform (mentioned as .com) is a common and legitimate way for businesses to create their websites. The lack of detailed information about the platform used is not necessarily a red flag. The copyright notice with the year 2024 could be a placeholder or an error, as it’s unusual for a website to display a future year in the copyright notice. However, this is a minor issue and doesn’t necessarily indicate a scam. The website’s use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption is a positive security feature, ensuring that data transmitted between the user’s browser and the website’s server is encrypted. The SSL certificate helps protect sensitive information, such as contact form submissions or online orders. The absence of detailed information about the SSL certificate issuer and organization is not uncommon for small business websites and is not necessarily a cause for concern. The website’s server information, including its IP address and location, is typical technical information and doesn’t raise any immediate red flags. The lack of information about the domain’s age and registration details is a limitation, as it prevents a comprehensive assessment of the website’s history and ownership. However, this is not uncommon for many websites, especially smaller businesses. The absence of information in the domain whois lookup is not inherently suspicious, as some website owners choose to keep their registration details private for privacy or security reasons. The lack of data in the Tranco and Internet Archive: Wayback Machine fields is not necessarily indicative of a scam. It may simply mean that the website is not currently ranked in the Tranco list or that it has not been archived by the Wayback Machine. Overall, based on the available information, the website appears to be a legitimate business website for a heladería and horchatería. However, as with any online interaction, it’s always advisable to exercise caution, especially when making online purchases or providing personal information. Here are some general tips for assessing the legitimacy of a website: Check for a physical address and contact information. Look for professional design and content that is consistent and free of major errors. Verify the SSL certificate and look for secure browsing indicators in your browser. Search for reviews or mentions of the business from other sources. Be cautious if the website asks for unusually sensitive information or payment details without proper security measures. Use secure payment methods and consider the reputation of the business before making purchases. If in doubt, consider reaching out to the business directly to verify information or address any concerns.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional domain name ( Presence of physical address and contact information (email, phone number) Use of SSL encryption for secure browsing Typical design and content for a small business website Absence of detailed SSL certificate information is common for small business websites Server information is typical and doesn't raise red flags Absence of domain age and registration details is a limitation, but not necessarily suspicious Lack of data in the domain whois lookup is not inherently suspicious, as some website owners choose to keep their registration details private Absence of data in the Tranco and Internet Archive: Wayback Machine fields is not necessarily indicative of a scam, as it may simply mean the website is not currently ranked or archived
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden