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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website claims to offer gender prediction services based on ultrasound scans and various theories such as the Ramzi theory, Nub theory, and Skull theory. Users are encouraged to submit their ultrasound scans for analysis and receive a personalized determination report and drawing explaining the findings. The site also sells various products related to gender prediction, such as different theory packs and rush delivery options. However, there are several red flags and concerns that suggest this website may not be legitimate or reliable:

1. Lack of Scientific Validity: The methods promoted on the website, such as the Ramzi theory, Nub theory, and Skull theory, are not scientifically proven or endorsed by medical professionals as reliable methods for determining the gender of a baby. Gender prediction based on ultrasound images is not a guaranteed or accurate science, and it’s important to approach such claims with skepticism.

2. Entertainment and Novelty Disclaimer: The website’s disclaimer states that its services are intended for entertainment and novelty purposes only. This disclaimer suggests that the gender prediction services offered are not to be taken seriously or relied upon for making important decisions.

3. Lack of Medical Expertise: The website does not appear to have qualified medical professionals or experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology to support its claims or provide credibility to its gender prediction services.

4. Commercialization of Gender Prediction: Selling gender prediction products and services, especially those with dubious scientific validity, can be seen as exploitative and preying on the anxieties and desires of expectant parents.

5. Testimonials and Customer Reviews: The website features customer testimonials that claim the accuracy of its gender prediction services. However, these testimonials may not be independently verified and could be fabricated to promote the website’s services.

6. Misleading Claims of Accuracy: The website makes bold claims about the accuracy of its gender prediction methods, such as stating that the Ramzi theory is 97% accurate when scanned in person. Such high accuracy claims are not supported by scientific evidence.

7. Lack of Transparency and Privacy Concerns: It’s important to consider how the website handles the personal and sensitive information submitted by users, especially in the context of medical data (ultrasound scans). Without clear information on data security and privacy practices, there may be risks associated with sharing such information.

8. Overemphasis on Gender: Gender prediction and the emphasis on the gender of the baby can perpetuate gender stereotypes and may not align with the values of inclusivity and respect for diverse gender identities.

In conclusion, appears to be a website that offers gender prediction services based on unproven theories and methods. It’s important for users to approach such services with caution, especially when they involve personal and sensitive information related to pregnancy and ultrasound scans. It’s advisable to consult with qualified medical professionals for accurate information about the health and development of a baby during pregnancy.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Scientific Validity, Entertainment and Novelty Disclaimer, Lack of Medical Expertise, Commercialization of Gender Prediction, Testimonials and Customer Reviews, Misleading Claims of Accuracy, Lack of Transparency and Privacy Concerns, Overemphasis on Gender
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI