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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the information provided are highly suspicious and potentially misleading. Here are the reasons:

1. **Impersonation of Official Services:** The website claims to offer assistance with Social Security card replacement, which is a government service. However, it repeatedly emphasizes that it is a private company and not affiliated with the SSA. This can be misleading to users who may believe they are using an official government service.

2. **Charging for Free Government Forms:** The website states that it charges a processing fee for assistance in preparing the SS-5 form, which is available for free on the official SSA website. Charging for a free government form is highly irregular and could be considered deceptive.

3. **Use of Official Terminology:** The website uses official terminology related to Social Security services, such as “SSN” and “SSA,” which could further mislead users into thinking they are dealing with an official government entity.

4. **Lack of Transparency:** While the website mentions that it is a private company, the emphasis on providing services that are typically associated with government agencies can create confusion. There is a lack of clear disclosure about the nature of the services being offered.

5. **Privacy and Security Concerns:** The website claims to protect user information with advanced encryption technology, but the legitimacy of these claims cannot be verified. Users should be cautious about providing sensitive personal information to such websites.

6. **High Processing Fee:** The processing fee of $48.50 is relatively high for a service that primarily involves assistance with filling out a form that is freely available from the official source.

7. **Limited Contact Information:** The website provides limited contact information, which can be a red flag for users who may need to reach out for support or clarification.

8. **Disclaimers and Fine Print:** The website includes disclaimers about not being affiliated with the SSA, but these disclaimers may not be prominent enough to prevent confusion among users.

9. **Inconsistent Information:** The website mentions that it provides services for both individuals and corporations, which is unusual for a service related to personal Social Security matters.

10. **Lack of Official Endorsement:** The website explicitly states that it is not endorsed by any governmental entity, which may raise questions about the legitimacy and necessity of its services.

Based on these reasons, users should exercise caution and consider using official government resources for Social Security-related matters. It’s important to verify the legitimacy and necessity of any third-party services, especially when dealing with sensitive personal information and official government forms.”

the reasons behind this review :
Impersonation of Official Services, Charging for Free Government Forms, Use of Official Terminology, Lack of Transparency, Privacy and Security Concerns, High Processing Fee, Limited Contact Information, Disclaimers and Fine Print, Inconsistent Information, Lack of Official Endorsement
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden