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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website’s URL is The website’s content was intentionally made inaccessible due to a 404 not found error. Taking into account the global rank from Tranco, domain name, domain age, SSL type, Internet Archive: Wayback Machine age, servers and IPs, and whois information, here are the details:

Domain Age: Unknown
Domain Whois: Hidden
SSL Info: Organization: GlobalSign nv-sa, Issuer: AlphaSSL CA – SHA256 – G4, Type: DV
Tranco: 0
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine Age: 2680 days
Server Info: /,-9.1333-AS9186 ONITELECOM – INFOCOMUNICACOES, S.A.-1000-001-Europe/Lisbon

Based on the information provided, several red flags can be identified:

1. Domain Age: The fact that the domain age is listed as “unknown” can be a cause for concern. Established and legitimate websites typically have a known domain age, and the lack of this information may indicate that the site is relatively new or has intentionally obfuscated its registration details.

2. Hidden Whois Information: The decision to hide the domain’s whois information is often associated with suspicious or fraudulent websites. Legitimate businesses and organizations typically provide transparent and accessible whois data as part of their online presence.

3. SSL Certificate Type: While the website has an SSL certificate, the fact that it is a Domain Validated (DV) certificate, rather than an Extended Validation (EV) or Organization Validated (OV) certificate, may raise concerns. DV certificates are easier to obtain and are generally considered less secure.

4. Tranco Global Rank: The website’s low or non-existent ranking on Tranco, a service that provides website traffic and ranking data, may indicate that it is not widely recognized or visited. This lack of visibility could be a warning sign.

5. Server Location and Information: The specific server information provided, including the IP address and location, can be used to assess the website’s legitimacy. In some cases, unusual or non-standard server configurations may be associated with deceptive or malicious intent.

6. Inaccessible Content: The fact that the website’s content is intentionally inaccessible due to a 404 not found error is a significant red flag. Legitimate websites strive to maintain accessible and functional content, and the presence of such errors can indicate technical issues or deliberate attempts to conceal information.

7. Lack of Verifiable Business Information: If the website is associated with a business or organization, the absence of verifiable contact details, company information, or a physical address can be concerning. Legitimate businesses typically provide clear and accurate information about their operations.

8. Internet Archive Age Discrepancy: While the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine age is listed as 2680 days, it’s important to note that this age may not accurately reflect the website’s current status. The presence of recent changes or the deliberate manipulation of historical content can impact the site’s trustworthiness.

Based on these red flags, it’s advisable to exercise caution when interacting with or providing any personal or sensitive information to this website. It’s recommended to conduct further research, consider alternative sources, and, if possible, verify the legitimacy of the website through independent and reputable channels before engaging with it further.”

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Age, Hidden Whois Information, SSL Certificate Type, Tranco Global Rank, Server Location and Information, Inaccessible Content, Lack of Verifiable Business Information, Internet Archive Age Discrepancy
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden