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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content is filled with generic and overly positive customer reviews, which is a common tactic used by scam websites to create a false sense of trust. The excessive use of “trending now” and “popular products” without specific details or actual product names is a red flag. The website’s claim of offering high-quality perfumes at significantly lower prices than the market average is suspicious, especially when combined with the lack of specific information about the perfumes themselves. The website’s return policy, while seemingly generous, is also a common feature in scam websites to create a false sense of security. The use of multiple “price match guarantee” badges can be an attempt to appear more trustworthy than they actually are. The website’s emphasis on quick delivery and customer satisfaction, without providing concrete details or verifiable information, is another red flag. The lack of detailed information about the company, such as its history, team, or manufacturing process, is concerning. The website’s domain age is also relatively new, which is often a characteristic of scam websites. The use of a free email service (Gmail) for customer contact instead of a professional business email address is unprofessional and can be a red flag. The website’s design and layout, while visually appealing, is quite generic and similar to many other e-commerce websites, which can be a tactic to quickly set up a scam site. The website’s use of a generic “About Us” section with a heartwarming story is a common tactic used by scam websites to create an emotional connection with visitors. The lack of verifiable customer or professional reviews from reputable sources is a red flag. The website’s heavy reliance on social media platforms for customer interaction and promotion, without a strong presence or engagement, can be a red flag. The website’s use of a generic and non-specific SSL certificate, such as “Let’s Encrypt,” is not necessarily a sign of a scam, but it can be a red flag when combined with other suspicious elements. The website’s use of a common e-commerce platform, such as Shopify, is not inherently suspicious, but it can be a tactic used by scammers to quickly set up online stores. The website’s use of a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt is not inherently suspicious, as Let’s Encrypt is a legitimate and widely used certificate authority. However, scammers can also use SSL certificates to create a false sense of security, so it’s important to consider this in the context of other red flags. The website’s server location in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is not inherently suspicious, as many legitimate websites use servers located in different countries. However, scammers can also use servers in various locations to obscure their true location and make it harder to track them. The website’s use of Cloudflare, a legitimate content delivery network and security service, is not inherently suspicious. Many legitimate websites use Cloudflare for improved performance and security. However, scammers can also use Cloudflare to hide their true server location and make it harder to track them. The website’s relatively low ranking on the Tranco list, which measures website traffic and popularity, is not necessarily a sign of a scam. However, it can be a red flag when combined with other suspicious elements. The website’s relatively recent appearance in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, with a history of only 175 days, is a red flag. Legitimate and established websites typically have a longer history and more extensive archives. The website’s use of a free email service (Gmail) for customer contact instead of a professional business email address is unprofessional and can be a red flag. The website’s design and layout, while visually appealing, is quite generic and similar to many other e-commerce websites, which can be a tactic to quickly set up a scam site. The website’s domain age is also relatively new, which is often a characteristic of scam websites. The website’s emphasis on quick delivery and customer satisfaction, without providing concrete details or verifiable information, is another red flag. The lack of detailed information about the company, such as its history, team, or manufacturing process, is concerning. The website’s return policy, while seemingly generous, is also a common feature in scam websites to create a false sense of security. The website’s claim of offering high-quality perfumes at significantly lower prices than the market average is suspicious, especially when combined with the lack of specific information about the perfumes themselves. The excessive use of “trending now” and “popular products” without specific details or actual product names is a red flag. The website content is filled with generic and overly positive customer reviews, which is a common tactic used by scam websites to create a false sense of trust.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic and overly positive customer reviews, Lack of specific details about products, Suspiciously low prices for high-quality perfumes, Return policy designed to create false security, Multiple "price match guarantee" badges, Emphasis on quick delivery and customer satisfaction without verifiable details, Lack of detailed company information, Relatively new domain age, Use of a free email service for customer contact, Generic website design and layout, Generic "About Us" section with a heartwarming story, Lack of verifiable customer or professional reviews, Heavy reliance on social media with limited engagement, Use of a generic SSL certificate, Use of a common e-commerce platform, Server location in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Use of Cloudflare for security and content delivery, Low ranking on the Tranco list, Recent appearance in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, Use of a free email service for customer contact, Generic website design and layout, Relatively new domain age, Emphasis on quick delivery and customer satisfaction without verifiable details, Lack of detailed company information, Seemingly generous return policy, Suspiciously low prices for high-quality perfumes, Excessive use of "trending now" and "popular products" without specific details, Generic and overly positive customer reviews
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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