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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website you provided,, appears to be a scam. Here are several reasons why it’s highly suspicious:

1. **Unprofessional Domain Name**: The domain name is a subdomain of, which is not a typical domain for a legitimate business. Legitimate businesses usually have their own domain names, not subdomains of obscure domains.

2. **Generic Content**: The content on the website is very generic and lacks specific details about the company, its history, or its team. Legitimate businesses usually provide detailed information about themselves.

3. **Affordable Financing Options**: The claim of offering “affordable financing options” for various types of properties is vague and unrealistic. Legitimate property rental or sales websites would provide clear and specific information about their financing options.

4. **Multiple “Apply Now” Buttons**: The excessive use of “Apply Now” buttons without much other content is a common tactic in scam websites to lure visitors into providing personal information.

5. **No Verifiable Contact Information**: While there is an email address provided, there is no physical address or phone number for the business, which is a red flag for legitimacy.

6. **Unusual Application Process**: The application process, including the requirement for a non-refundable application fee and a refundable process fee, is highly irregular for property rentals. Legitimate property rental applications typically do not require such fees upfront.

7. **Unrealistic Refund Policy**: The claim that if you don’t like the property, you can cancel the application and get an immediate refund is highly unusual and not a standard practice in the real estate industry.

8. **Low Application Fees**: The application fee of $5 and process fee of $80 are unusually low for property rentals, especially if they are refundable. This is not a standard practice in the industry.

9. **No Information Security Details**: There is no mention of how the website secures the personal and financial information provided by applicants, which is a critical concern for any legitimate online application process.

10. **Copyright Date**: The copyright date of 2022 may be an attempt to appear current, but it’s not necessarily an indicator of legitimacy.

11. **No Social Proof or Reviews**: Legitimate businesses often have customer reviews or social proof on their websites. The lack of any such information is suspicious.

Given these reasons, it’s highly advisable to avoid providing any personal or financial information on this website. If you are looking for rental properties, consider using well-established and reputable real estate platforms or working directly with licensed real estate agents.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unprofessional Domain Name, Generic Content, Affordable Financing Options, Multiple "Apply Now" Buttons, No Verifiable Contact Information, Unusual Application Process, Unrealistic Refund Policy, Low Application Fees, No Information Security Details, Copyright Date, No Social Proof or Reviews
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden