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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the claims made are highly suspicious and potentially illegal. The site promotes the sale of controlled substances, such as Nembutal (pentobarbital), which is illegal in many countries and highly regulated in others. The use of Nembutal for euthanasia is a controversial and legally complex issue, and promoting it for such purposes is highly unethical. Additionally, the website’s claim of being the “best supplier for cyanide” is extremely alarming and could be interpreted as promoting illegal and dangerous activities. The use of terms like “capital punishment units” is also deeply concerning and could be seen as an endorsement of illegal activities.

The website’s emphasis on the global reach of their products and their high number of positive feedback is a common tactic used by illegitimate online pharmacies to create an appearance of legitimacy. The mention of “420 weekly parcels sent” and “75 countries covered” could be an attempt to create a false sense of security and reliability.

The website’s claim of being a “true source of authentic branded barbiturates” is highly dubious, as the sale of such substances is heavily regulated and controlled. It’s unlikely that a legitimate medical supplier would openly advertise the sale of these substances online, especially with such a focus on controversial uses like euthanasia.

The website’s warning about the dangers of counterfeit Nembutal and the need to buy from a reliable source is ironic, given the questionable nature of their own operations. It’s important to note that the sale and purchase of controlled substances without proper authorization is illegal and can have serious legal consequences.

The website’s use of a “chat now” feature and the promotion of easy online purchasing for such sensitive and regulated substances is highly irresponsible and potentially dangerous. Legitimate medical suppliers would not conduct business in this manner, especially for such controversial and controlled products.

The website’s claim of cooperating with “industry-leading pharmaceutical companies” is highly doubtful, as reputable pharmaceutical companies would not be involved in the sale of controlled substances for controversial purposes like euthanasia.

The website’s emphasis on the therapeutic value of Nembutal and its potential for assisted euthanasia is ethically questionable and could be seen as promoting illegal and dangerous activities. The use of controlled substances for euthanasia is a complex and sensitive issue, and promoting it in this manner is highly irresponsible.

The website’s claim of shipping products worldwide and ensuring the security of personal data is concerning, as the sale and distribution of controlled substances across international borders is illegal in many cases. Additionally, the handling of personal data in this context is highly risky and could expose individuals to legal and security issues.

The website’s use of a copyright notice and the claim of “all rights reserved” is ironic, given the potentially illegal and unethical nature of their operations. Legitimate medical suppliers would not conduct business in this manner, especially for controversial and regulated products.

Overall, the website’s content and claims are highly suspicious and potentially illegal. The promotion of controlled substances like Nembutal for controversial purposes like euthanasia, as well as the mention of cyanide and capital punishment, is deeply concerning and could be seen as promoting illegal and dangerous activities. It’s important to approach this website with extreme caution and to seek guidance from legitimate medical and legal sources regarding the issues it raises.”

the reasons behind this review :
Promotion of controlled substances, such as Nembutal, for potentially illegal and unethical purposes. Use of terms like "capital punishment units" and promotion of cyanide is highly alarming. Emphasis on global reach and high number of positive feedback is a common tactic used by illegitimate online pharmacies. Claim of being a "true source of authentic branded barbiturates" is highly dubious. Warning about dangers of counterfeit Nembutal is ironic given the questionable nature of their own operations. Use of "chat now" feature and promotion of easy online purchasing for sensitive and regulated substances is highly irresponsible. Claim of cooperating with "industry-leading pharmaceutical companies" is highly doubtful. Emphasis on therapeutic value of Nembutal and its potential for assisted euthanasia is ethically questionable. Claim of shipping products worldwide and ensuring security of personal data is concerning. Use of copyright notice and claim of "all rights reserved" is ironic given the potentially illegal and unethical nature of their operations.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI