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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website raises several red flags that suggest it might be a scam:

1. Selling Instagram Accounts: The primary business of selling Instagram accounts is highly suspicious. It’s against Instagram’s terms of service to buy or sell accounts, and it’s often associated with fraudulent activities like fake followers and engagement.

2. Money-Back Guarantee: The claim of a 100% money-back guarantee is a common tactic used by scam websites to build trust. In reality, many such guarantees are not honored, or the process to claim a refund is intentionally made difficult.

3. High Priced Accounts: The website lists Instagram accounts for sale at high prices, which is unusual for legitimate platforms. It’s also concerning that the prices are not standardized, and there’s a wide range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

4. Crypto Payments: The acceptance of cryptocurrency payments, especially for high-value transactions, is often a tactic used by scam websites to make it harder for customers to trace and recover their funds in case of fraud.

5. No Information on Legality: There’s no mention of the legal implications of buying and selling Instagram accounts, which is a significant oversight for a legitimate business.

6. No Transparency on Account Sources: Legitimate platforms that sell social media accounts usually have a transparent process for acquiring and verifying the accounts. The lack of such information on this website is concerning.

7. Overemphasis on Quick Success: The website repeatedly emphasizes the instant access to a large following, which is unrealistic and often a hallmark of scams in the social media marketing space.

8. No Physical Address: While the website provides a UK address, there’s no evidence of a physical presence or a legitimate business operation at that location.

9. Limited Payment Protection: The website doesn’t mention using established and secure payment gateways, which is a standard practice for legitimate e-commerce platforms.

10. No Information on Instagram Policies: There’s no mention of the risks associated with violating Instagram’s policies by buying or selling accounts, which is crucial information for potential customers.

11. No Information on Account Security: There’s no mention of how the security of the purchased accounts is ensured, especially considering that account hacking and theft are common in the social media space.

12. No Information on Refund Process: While the website mentions a money-back guarantee, there’s no detailed information on the process and conditions for claiming a refund.

13. No Information on Customer Support: The website claims to have 24/7 customer support, but there’s no evidence of this, and the support email address provided is generic.

14. No Information on Privacy and Data Protection: There’s no mention of how customer data is protected, which is a critical aspect of any legitimate online business.

15. No Evidence of Legitimate Reviews: The website claims to have positive customer feedback, but there’s no way to verify the authenticity of these reviews.

16. No Information on Legal Compliance: There’s no mention of compliance with consumer protection laws, which is a requirement for any legitimate e-commerce business.

17. No Information on Account Transfer Process: The website doesn’t provide details on how the transfer of purchased accounts is handled, which is a critical aspect of such transactions.

18. No Information on Account History: Legitimate platforms selling social media accounts usually provide detailed information on the history and growth of the accounts, which is missing here.

19. No Information on Account Activity: There’s no mention of how the activity and engagement of the accounts are maintained after the sale, which is crucial for their value.

20. No Information on Account Verification: There’s no mention of how the authenticity of the followers and engagement on the accounts is verified, which is a standard practice for legitimate platforms.

Given these red flags, it’s highly advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with this website. It’s also recommended to avoid any transactions until the legitimacy of the platform is verified by independent and reliable sources.”

the reasons behind this review :
Selling Instagram Accounts, Money-Back Guarantee, High Priced Accounts, Crypto Payments, No Information on Legality, No Transparency on Account Sources, Overemphasis on Quick Success, No Physical Address, Limited Payment Protection, No Information on Instagram Policies, No Information on Account Security, No Information on Refund Process, No Information on Customer Support, No Information on Privacy and Data Protection, No Evidence of Legitimate Reviews, No Information on Legal Compliance, No Information on Account Transfer Process, No Information on Account History, No Information on Account Activity, No Information on Account Verification
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden