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Why is the trust score of very high? is the official website of ‘esse,’ a Japanese lifestyle magazine. The site provides a wide range of content related to daily living, including tips for saving money, storage techniques, professional recipes, and time-saving household tips. It also covers various lifestyle topics such as fashion, beauty, health, and entertainment. The website offers original web articles and features popular ongoing series. Additionally, it promotes reader engagement through quizzes, horoscopes, and the opportunity to participate in surveys for potential giveaways. The site’s content is primarily aimed at a target audience of individuals in their 50s and older, offering practical and relevant information for this demographic. The website’s design is clean and user-friendly, with easy navigation to different sections and articles. It also includes sections for member login and registration, indicating a level of user interaction and potentially exclusive content for registered members. The site’s layout and content suggest a focus on providing valuable and engaging lifestyle information to its audience. The presence of regular newsletters and the option for members to receive them indicates a commitment to keeping readers updated and engaged with the latest content. Overall, appears to be a legitimate and professionally managed website, offering a variety of lifestyle-related content and engaging features for its target audience.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official website of 'esse' magazine, Wide range of lifestyle content, Tips for saving money, Storage techniques, Professional recipes, Time-saving household tips, Covers fashion, beauty, health, and entertainment, Original web articles, Popular ongoing series, Reader engagement through quizzes and horoscopes, Surveys for potential giveaways, Target audience of individuals in their 50s and older, Clean and user-friendly design, Easy navigation to different sections and articles, Sections for member login and registration, Focus on providing valuable and engaging lifestyle information, Regular newsletters for readers, Option for members to receive newsletters, Legitimate and professionally managed website
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden