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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website “” appears to be a legitimate news website focused on the Carlisle and North Cumbria area. It covers a range of topics including local news, sports, events, and features. The content seems to be regularly updated, which is a positive sign for a news website. The site also offers print subscriptions, indicating a business model that aligns with traditional news organizations. The articles listed in the provided content are typical of local news coverage, including stories about a murder suspect, a new store opening, sports achievements, and community events. These are all common topics for regional news outlets. The website’s use of Let’s Encrypt for SSL is a standard and reputable choice for securing web traffic. Let’s Encrypt is a widely recognized certificate authority that provides free SSL certificates. The use of Let’s Encrypt does not raise any red flags. The domain’s age and the fact that it has been archived by the Wayback Machine for over 8,000 days are both positive indicators. A long history of archiving suggests that the website has been operational for a significant period of time, which is generally a good sign for a news site. The server information provided is also consistent with a legitimate news website. The IP address corresponds to a location in London, England, which aligns with the regional focus of the news content. The hosting company, IOMART CLOUD SERVICES LIMITED, is a well-established provider of cloud and managed hosting services. Overall, based on the information provided, “” appears to be a legitimate and safe website for accessing news and information about the Carlisle and North Cumbria area.”

the reasons behind this review :
Regularly updated content, Offers print subscriptions, Covers a range of local topics, Uses Let's Encrypt for SSL, Long history of archiving, Server information aligns with a news website
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden