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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the claims made by the Institute for Technical and Academic Research (ITAR) raise several red flags that are commonly associated with academic conference scams. Here are some reasons why this website might be considered a scam:

1. **Unverifiable Claims:** The website makes grandiose claims about its status as a professional organization and its collaborations with prestigious publishers and institutions. However, these claims are not backed up with specific details or verifiable evidence.

2. **Use of Well-Known Publishers’ Names:** Mentioning collaboration with well-known publishers like Scopus, Springer, and Inderscience is a common tactic used by predatory conferences to lend credibility. However, legitimate collaborations with these publishers would be prominently featured on the publishers’ official websites, which is not the case here.

3. **Vague Language and Overblown Statements:** The website uses vague, hyperbolic language to describe its activities and impact. Legitimate organizations typically provide specific, verifiable information about their operations and achievements.

4. **Lack of Specific Conference Information:** While the website lists upcoming conferences, it does not provide detailed information about the conference themes, invited speakers, or program committees. Legitimate conference websites usually offer comprehensive details about their events.

5. **No Clear Information on Editorial Board Members:** The website mentions an editorial board but does not provide specific information about its members or their affiliations. Legitimate academic journals and organizations typically provide transparent information about their editorial boards.

6. **High Volume of Conferences:** The website lists a high number of upcoming conferences, which is unusual for a single organization. Legitimate organizations usually focus on a few key events to ensure quality and relevance.

7. **Non-Profit Claim:** While claiming to be a non-profit organization, the website does not provide evidence of its non-profit status or any financial transparency, which is common for legitimate non-profits.

8. **Lack of Contact Information:** The website does not provide a physical address or clear contact information beyond a generic email address and phone number. Legitimate organizations typically provide detailed contact information.

9. **Poorly Written Content:** The website contains grammatical errors and awkward phrasing, which is uncharacteristic of professional, reputable organizations.

10. **No Evidence of Previous Conferences or Publications:** Despite claiming to have organized previous conferences and published research, there is no evidence of these activities on the website or through independent verification.

It’s important to approach such organizations with caution and thoroughly research their legitimacy before engaging with them. If you are considering participating in a conference or submitting research to a journal associated with ITAR, it’s advisable to independently verify their claims and reputation in the academic community.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unverifiable Claims, Use of Well-Known Publishers' Names, Vague Language and Overblown Statements, Lack of Specific Conference Information, No Clear Information on Editorial Board Members, High Volume of Conferences, Non-Profit Claim, Lack of Contact Information, Poorly Written Content, No Evidence of Previous Conferences or Publications
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden