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All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of high?

The website “” appears to be a Quora space dedicated to anime discussions. Quora is a well-known question-and-answer platform where users can ask questions, provide answers, and engage in discussions on various topics, including anime. The content on this page seems to be user-generated, with individuals sharing their thoughts, questions, and opinions related to anime.

Based on the provided content, there are no obvious signs of scam or malicious intent. However, it’s important to note that as with any online platform, users should exercise caution and critical thinking when engaging with content and interacting with other users. Here are some general tips for staying safe and getting the most out of online communities like Quora:

1. Verify Information: When reading posts or answers, especially those related to specific anime series or characters, it’s a good idea to verify the information from reliable sources. This can help ensure that you’re getting accurate and up-to-date details.

2. Respectful Interaction: Online communities thrive when users engage in respectful and constructive discussions. If you choose to participate in the Quora space, consider the tone and language you use when interacting with others.

3. Privacy and Security: Be mindful of the information you share about yourself online. Avoid sharing sensitive personal details, and review the privacy settings on your Quora account to control who can see your activity.

4. Reporting Misconduct: If you encounter any behavior that violates Quora’s community guidelines or makes you feel uncomfortable, use the platform’s reporting features to notify moderators.

5. Diversity of Opinions: Anime fandom can be diverse, with fans having different perspectives and preferences. Embrace the variety of opinions while engaging in discussions.

6. Avoiding Scams: Be cautious if you encounter any posts or messages that seem overly promotional or request financial contributions. While legitimate crowdfunding efforts exist, it’s important to verify the authenticity of such requests.

Remember that the safety and quality of your experience on Quora, or any online platform, depend on your own actions and how you choose to engage with others. By being mindful and respectful, you can contribute to a positive and enriching community experience.”

the reasons behind this review :
Quora is a well-known and reputable platform for user-generated content and discussions. The content on this page appears to be related to anime, with users sharing their thoughts, questions, and opinions on the topic. The website's domain is associated with Quora, a legitimate and widely used platform for knowledge sharing and community discussions. The content does not contain obvious signs of scam or malicious intent. However, users should always exercise caution and critical thinking when engaging with online content and interacting with other users. It's important to verify information from reliable sources, respect others in online discussions, and be mindful of privacy and security. If users encounter any behavior that violates community guidelines or makes them uncomfortable, they should report it to the platform's moderators. Additionally, users should be cautious of any posts or messages that seem overly promotional or request financial contributions, as these could be potential scams. Overall, the safety and quality of the user experience on Quora, or any online platform, depend on individual actions and engagement with others.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden