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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is highly suspicious and indicative of a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Offering illegal services: The website openly advertises services for hacking, which is illegal and unethical. This alone is a major red flag.

2. Lack of verifiable credentials: The website claims to have “certified ethical hackers,” but there is no way to verify this. Legitimate professionals in the field of cybersecurity and ethical hacking typically have verifiable certifications and affiliations.

3. Promising guaranteed results: The website claims a 100% guarantee on their services, which is unrealistic and not something that can be assured in the context of hacking or cybersecurity.

4. Use of anonymous communication channels: The website encourages communication through platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, which can make it difficult to track or hold the service provider accountable.

5. Vague and unprofessional language: The website’s content is filled with grammatical errors, informal language, and unprofessional claims, which is not typical of legitimate businesses, especially in the field of cybersecurity.

6. Lack of legal disclaimers: There are no clear legal disclaimers or terms of service regarding the legality and ethical implications of the services offered.

7. Offering services related to the dark web: The website mentions connecting to the dark web, which is a highly illegal and dangerous activity.

8. Unrealistic claims of experience and success: The website claims to have successfully served over 700 individuals and to have recovered large amounts of Bitcoin, which is highly unlikely and not verifiable.

9. Encouraging illegal activities: By offering services to hack social media accounts and penetrate systems, the website is promoting illegal and unethical behavior.

10. Lack of transparency: The website does not provide any verifiable information about the individuals or organization behind it, making it difficult to assess their credibility.

Based on these reasons, it is strongly advised to avoid engaging with this website or any similar services. Engaging with such services can not only lead to legal consequences but also pose significant risks to personal and online security.”

the reasons behind this review :
Offering illegal services, Lack of verifiable credentials, Promising guaranteed results, Use of anonymous communication channels, Vague and unprofessional language, Lack of legal disclaimers, Offering services related to the dark web, Unrealistic claims of experience and success, Encouraging illegal activities, Lack of transparency
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden