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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website provided,, appears to be a subdomain of Wix, a popular website builder. However, the specific subdomain “ikart1098” does not provide any clear indication of its purpose or content. This lack of transparency can be a red flag, as legitimate websites typically have clear branding and purpose.

Additionally, the use of a subdomain rather than a custom domain (e.g., can also be a sign of a less professional or established online presence. It’s important to note that subdomains can be used for legitimate purposes, but they can also be easily created for malicious intent.

Given the limited information available, it’s advisable to exercise caution when interacting with this website. Here are some potential reasons for concern:

1. Lack of Clear Purpose: The subdomain “ikart1098” does not provide any immediate indication of the website’s purpose or content. Legitimate websites typically have clear branding and a defined purpose.

2. Subdomain Usage: While subdomains can be used legitimately, they are also commonly associated with less professional or established online presences. Custom domains (e.g., are generally more trustworthy.

3. Potential for Malicious Content: Without a clear understanding of the website’s purpose, there is a risk that it could contain malicious content or be part of a phishing scam.

4. Limited Online Presence: If the website is relatively unknown and has little online presence or user reviews, it can be challenging to assess its legitimacy.

It’s important to approach unfamiliar websites with caution, especially if they lack clear information about their purpose and are not associated with well-established brands or organizations. If you have any concerns about the legitimacy or security of a website, it’s advisable to avoid providing personal information or interacting with the site until its trustworthiness can be verified.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Clear Purpose, Subdomain Usage, Potential for Malicious Content, Limited Online Presence
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden