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Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content raises several red flags:

Unrealistic Pricing: Offering a lifetime subscription for $365 is highly unusual for legitimate IPTV services. It’s common for such services to have monthly or yearly subscription models, but lifetime subscriptions at such a low price are atypical.
Adult/Adult Content Channels: Legitimate IPTV services typically do not heavily promote adult content as a major selling point. The inclusion of a large number of adult channels can be a sign of a less reputable service.
High Number of Channels: Claiming to offer over 23,000 channels is excessive and could be a tactic to attract customers with a large number, regardless of the actual quality or legitimacy of the channels.
Testimonials: The testimonials provided on the website, while positive, are generic and lack specific details. They could be fabricated to create a false sense of credibility.
Unsubstantiated Claims: The website makes bold claims about the quality and stability of the service without providing concrete evidence or independent reviews to support these claims.
Lack of Legal Information: There is no clear information about the legal status of the service, such as licensing agreements with content providers. Legitimate IPTV services typically have transparent legal information.
Unprofessional Language: The use of phrases like “indulge in luxury” and “embrace a world of live TV” can come across as overly promotional and unprofessional.
No Clear Company Information: While the website mentions “IPTV 24,” there is no detailed information about the company, its history, or its team. Legitimate businesses usually provide this information.
Highly Positive Tone: The website’s content is overwhelmingly positive and lacks a balanced presentation of potential drawbacks or limitations of the service.
Lack of Technical Details: There is a lack of technical information about the service, such as the technology used, server locations, and content delivery methods.
In summary, the website’s content exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with potentially unreliable or scam IPTV services. It’s important for consumers to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before purchasing any IPTV subscription, especially from providers with questionable or unverifiable claims.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Pricing, Adult/Adult Content Channels, High Number of Channels, Testimonials, Unsubstantiated Claims, Lack of Legal Information, Unprofessional Language, No Clear Company Information, Highly Positive Tone, Lack of Technical Details
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new