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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is typical of a scam or phishing site. It uses persuasive language to entice users into providing personal information, such as their name, gender, age, physical characteristics, and even financial details. The promise of finding the right person easily and the use of testimonials are common tactics to build trust, but they are often fabricated or exaggerated. The site’s privacy policy and terms of use are extensive, which is unusual for a legitimate dating or connection service. This could be an attempt to appear more legitimate, but it also serves to confuse and overwhelm users, making it less likely for them to read and understand the actual terms. The use of cookies and data processing is also mentioned in detail, which could be an attempt to appear transparent, but it’s also a common tactic in phishing sites to make the user believe their data is being handled responsibly. The site’s use of third-party services for advertising and data processing is also a red flag, as it can lead to the user’s data being shared with multiple entities, increasing the risk of privacy breaches. The site’s emphasis on client verification and the collection of a wide range of personal data is concerning, as it could be used for identity theft or other malicious purposes. The site’s use of cloud services and the mention of cross-border data transfer is also a common tactic in phishing sites to appear more sophisticated and global. The site’s use of SSL encryption is a standard security measure, but it doesn’t guarantee the legitimacy of the site. Overall, the combination of persuasive language, extensive privacy policy and terms of use, detailed data processing information, and the collection of a wide range of personal data are all common tactics used by scam or phishing sites to appear legitimate and trustworthy while actually being designed to exploit users’ personal information.”

the reasons behind this review :
Persuasive language to entice users into providing personal information, such as their name, gender, age, physical characteristics, and even financial details. The promise of finding the right person easily and the use of testimonials are common tactics to build trust, but they are often fabricated or exaggerated. The site's privacy policy and terms of use are extensive, which is unusual for a legitimate dating or connection service. This could be an attempt to appear more legitimate, but it also serves to confuse and overwhelm users, making it less likely for them to read and understand the actual terms. The use of cookies and data processing is also mentioned in detail, which could be an attempt to appear transparent, but it's also a common tactic in phishing sites to make the user believe their data is being handled responsibly. The site's use of third-party services for advertising and data processing is also a red flag, as it can lead to the user's data being shared with multiple entities, increasing the risk of privacy breaches. The site's emphasis on client verification and the collection of a wide range of personal data is concerning, as it could be used for identity theft or other malicious purposes. The site's use of cloud services and the mention of cross-border data transfer is also a common tactic in phishing sites to appear more sophisticated and global. The site's use of SSL encryption is a standard security measure, but it doesn't guarantee the legitimacy of the site. Overall, the combination of persuasive language, extensive privacy policy and terms of use, detailed data processing information, and the collection of a wide range of personal data are all common tactics used by scam or phishing sites to appear legitimate and trustworthy while actually being designed to exploit users' personal information.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new