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The content provided is a privacy policy for an app called FunSteps, which is not consistent with the domain name ‘’. This discrepancy is a red flag for potential scam or phishing activity. The privacy policy itself contains several concerning elements:

1. Data Collection: The app collects a wide range of personal data, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, and even Facebook credentials. This level of data collection can be excessive and raises privacy concerns.

2. Automatic Data Collection: The app automatically collects various device and usage information, including web browsing history. This can be invasive and raises questions about user privacy.

3. Use of Collected Data: The policy states that the collected data is used for various purposes, including advertising, app improvement, and security. However, the language is vague and does not provide clear limits on how the data will be used.

4. Data Protection: While the policy mentions security measures, it also acknowledges that no system can guarantee 100% security. This is a common disclaimer, but it’s important to note that it doesn’t provide strong assurance of data protection.

5. Data Sharing: The policy mentions sharing data with affiliate companies and third-party service providers. This can lead to concerns about how user data is handled by these external parties.

6. Data Retention: The policy states that personal data will be kept for the entire life cycle of the app, which can be indefinite. This raises questions about the long-term storage and use of user data.

7. User Rights: While the policy mentions user rights, including the right to request data access and erasure, it’s important to verify if these rights are effectively upheld in practice.

8. Protection of Children: The policy states that the app does not knowingly collect data from children under 13, but it’s essential to ensure that this is strictly enforced.

9. Privacy Update: The policy reserves the right to make changes at any time, which can impact user privacy without direct notification.

Overall, the privacy policy raises several red flags, including excessive data collection, vague language about data use, and potential sharing of user data with external parties. Users should exercise caution and carefully consider the privacy implications before using the app or providing any personal information.”

the reasons behind this review :
Discrepancy between domain name and app name, Excessive data collection, Automatic data collection including web browsing history, Vague language about data use, Security disclaimer, Data sharing with affiliate companies and third-party service providers, Indefinite data retention, User rights need verification, Strict enforcement of child data protection, Reserving the right to make changes to the privacy policy
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.