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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. British Pathé is a reputable and well-established company with a long history in the film and media industry. It is the world’s leading multimedia resource with a history stretching back over a century. The website provides access to a vast archive of newsreels, documentaries, and other historical footage, making it a valuable resource for researchers, filmmakers, and anyone interested in historical media. The company’s collection is unrivaled in its historical and cultural significance, with over 220,000 films dating from 1896 to 1984.

The website offers licensing services for the use of their footage and stills in various media productions, including documentaries, news bulletins, museum displays, online content, educational or corporate productions, and feature films. The licensing process is clearly explained, and users can license content online, which is convenient and efficient.

British Pathé’s commitment to copyright and licensing indicates a professional and legitimate operation. The company’s willingness to work with a wide range of users, from individual filmmakers to large media organizations, further supports its credibility.

The website also provides resources for those interested in the history of film and media, including educational subscriptions and museum subscriptions. This demonstrates a commitment to preserving and sharing historical media for educational and cultural purposes.

Overall, British Pathé is a trusted and valuable resource for historical media, and its website is a legitimate platform for accessing and licensing their extensive archive of films and stills.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable and well-established company, Long history in the film and media industry, Leading multimedia resource, Vast archive of newsreels and historical footage, Valuable resource for researchers and filmmakers, Collection of over 220,000 films dating from 1896 to 1984, Offers licensing services for footage and stills, Clear and efficient online licensing process, Commitment to copyright and licensing, Willingness to work with individual filmmakers and large media organizations, Provides resources for the history of film and media, Offers educational and museum subscriptions, Commitment to preserving and sharing historical media for educational and cultural purposes, Trusted and valuable resource for historical media, Legitimate platform for accessing and licensing their archive of films and stills
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden