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Why is the trust score of high?

Baked by S.K. is a Sheffield-based bakery specializing in buttercream cakes, fudgy brownies, and gooey cookies. The website provides information about the products offered, the ordering process, and the baker’s background. It also includes a 5-star hygiene rating, a link to their Instagram page, and a YouTube channel. The site is powered by Shopify and has a 5-star hygiene rating. The content is focused on promoting the bakery’s products and sharing the baker’s passion for baking. The website provides a professional and legitimate image of the business, and the information is consistent with what one would expect from a small, independent bakery. The emphasis on high-quality ingredients, attention to detail, and the personal touch in the baking process is in line with the values often associated with artisanal bakeries. The website’s design and content are consistent with the typical online presence of small, independent bakeries, and there are no obvious red flags or suspicious elements. The “coming soon” and “sold out” labels on some products suggest that the bakery has a following and is actively managing its inventory. The website’s focus on local collection and specific collection times is also in line with the operations of a small, home-based bakery. Overall, based on the available information, Baked by S.K. appears to be a legitimate and safe website for purchasing baked goods. However, as with any online transaction, it’s always advisable to exercise caution and ensure that you are comfortable with the terms and conditions, especially regarding payment, delivery, and product quality.”

the reasons behind this review :
5-star hygiene rating, Professional website design, Emphasis on high-quality ingredients, Consistent with the image of a small, independent bakery, Active management of inventory, Focus on local collection and specific collection times, No obvious red flags or suspicious elements, Consistent with typical online presence of small, independent bakeries, Personal touch in the baking process, Emphasis on the baker's passion for baking, Clear information about the ordering process and collection details, Link to Instagram page and YouTube channel for additional credibility and engagement, Use of Shopify as a reputable e-commerce platform
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain is new

  Archive is new