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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Wayward is a platform that aims to empower creators by helping them earn more from their affiliate sales. It provides tools for curating, controlling, and monetizing affiliate links through a custom storefront or link-in-bio feature. The platform is designed to enhance the earning potential of creators, particularly in the context of affiliate marketing with Amazon and other brands. Here are the key aspects of Wayward’s offering:

1. **Higher Amazon Commissions:** Wayward promises to help creators get higher Amazon commissions, including bonus commissions on top of the standard Amazon Associates payout, along with an extended 14-day attribution window.

2. **Exclusive Deals and Promo Codes:** Creators can access exclusive high-commission deals and promo codes, which they can share with their audience to drive sales and earn more.

3. **Customizable Storefront and Shoppable Links:** The platform allows creators to create a customizable storefront in minutes, where they can showcase products and earn commissions. Additionally, they can generate shoppable links for their social media bios.

4. **Integration with Instagram:** Wayward emphasizes the importance of selling directly through Instagram and provides tools to facilitate this, enabling creators to reach their audience where they are most active.

5. **Building an Email List:** Creators can build an email list of their followers who make purchases through their affiliate links, providing a direct communication channel with their audience.

6. **Trusted by Leading Creators and Media Companies:** The platform highlights endorsements from prominent creators and media companies, suggesting a level of credibility and trust within the industry.

For Creators:

**Free to Use:** Wayward is advertised as 100% free for creators, which can be an attractive proposition for those looking to maximize their earnings without incurring additional costs.

**Increased Earning Potential:** The platform’s focus on higher commissions, exclusive deals, and customizable storefronts is aimed at helping creators earn more from their affiliate marketing efforts.

**Diversification of Revenue Streams:** By providing tools to curate and promote products, Wayward offers creators a way to diversify their revenue streams beyond traditional content creation.

**Direct Audience Engagement:** The emphasis on building an email list and selling directly through Instagram suggests a focus on fostering direct relationships with the audience, which can be valuable for long-term sustainability.

For Brands:

**Access to High-Intent Shoppers:** Wayward claims to unlock billions of high-intent shoppers for brands through profitable affiliate relationships, potentially expanding their customer base.

**Guaranteed Sales or No Payment:** The platform’s offer of guaranteed sales or no payment could be appealing to brands, as it reduces the risk associated with affiliate marketing partnerships.

**Integration with Amazon and Shopify:** By facilitating partnerships with Amazon and Shopify, Wayward provides brands with access to a wide range of products and potential sales channels.

**Omni-Channel Affiliate Platform:** The platform’s claim to be the only omni-channel affiliate platform that guarantees sales suggests a comprehensive approach to affiliate marketing across different channels.

**Influencer and Publisher Networks:** Wayward’s extensive network of creators and publishers can provide brands with opportunities to reach new audiences and drive sales through authentic product content.

**Easy Onboarding and Control:** The platform’s emphasis on easy onboarding and giving brands control over partnership details can be attractive for those looking for a streamlined and customizable affiliate marketing experience.

Overall, Wayward’s value proposition revolves around empowering both creators and brands in the affiliate marketing space. For creators, it offers the potential to increase earnings, diversify revenue streams, and engage directly with their audience. For brands, it provides access to high-intent shoppers, guaranteed sales, and a network of influencers and publishers for effective promotion. However, as with any platform, it’s important for users to carefully evaluate the specific terms, conditions, and performance of Wayward to determine its suitability for their individual needs and goals.”

the reasons behind this review :
Empowering creators in affiliate marketing, Higher Amazon commissions, Exclusive deals and promo codes, Customizable storefront and shoppable links, Integration with Instagram, Building an email list, Trusted by leading creators and media companies, Free to use for creators, Increased earning potential, Diversification of revenue streams, Direct audience engagement, Access to high-intent shoppers for brands, Guaranteed sales or no payment for brands, Integration with Amazon and Shopify, Omni-channel affiliate platform, Influencer and publisher networks, Easy onboarding and control for brands
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

No Negative Point